Part 9 *edited*

36 6 4

Carter p.o.v

Once we got home I check my phone for the time. it's 5:37. I decide to walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. there is a two liter of root beer the only has a small amount left in the bottom. I lean back and look to my left. no Mitch or Jerome. I look to my right. no Mitch nor Jerome.

I open the bottle and start to drink it.


I start to laugh but I swallow it quickly so I don't spit it out (A/N- I don't know why I am laughing so hard at that sentence)

I set the bottle down on the counter and look at Jerome. he looks like he's gonna run at me.

"Jerome?...." I pause "think about this. Can we talk about this?"

"There is, no time, for talking" he says quietly " YOU DRANK MY ROOT BEER! THERE IS NO TIME FOR TALKING!" He charges at me. I run away laughing.

"GET BACK HER SO I CAN CHOP YOU!" He yells with a funny accent.

"Never!" I run up the stairs, into my room locking the door.

Jerome is banging on my door. "you can't hind in the forever!" He yells

"Yeah. Says who?" I stick my ear on the door and it gets quiet. then he bangs his fist on the door and it's loud in my ear "GAH! You jag battle duty!"

I hear him chuckle. I check to make sure my bedroom door is locked and I take the sheets off my bed and tie the ends in knots. I open my window and look down it. it is way to high to jump out of without breaking my legs.

I tie one end of the sheet/rope to the doorknob. and throw the rest out of the window. I here Jerome jiggle the doorknob.

"Biggums please let me in." He whines.

"Aww do cute....NOT!"

"WHY YOU GOTTA BA DARUDE!"he yells and I laugh.

I slowly put my leg over the edge of the window And climb down the rope. Once I am almost to the bottle I jump of the rope, landing on both feet.

I see Jerome stock his head out the window.

He has a shocked look mon his face then he quickly climbs down the rope and starts chasing me down the street.

A/N- sorry another short one :'(

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