Chapter 6: Awake and Alive

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"How is she?"

The question was out of David's mouth before Asa had fully stepped into the living room.

His answer was short and vague. "Ruby is sleeping."

"Anna told us that much," Carter grumbled. Anna seemed unusually down when she returned from checking on Ruby. He wondered what Asa had said to her. "We want to know what happened."

Asa gritted his teeth, shooting a death glare at Carter. Sometimes, he could be so obnoxious. "If I wanted to elaborate, I would have."

Carter's eyes grew as round as saucers. "Cranky." Maybe it was only Asa's tone Anna found upsetting.

He swallowed hard. He felt David's eyes on him now. Asa wouldn't get away without an explanation, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. "Ruby attacked me."

"What?" Sara marched up to him, immediately checking him for injuries. "You're not hurt."

Asa's dark eyes pierced hers, a smirk playing on his lips. "Not with violence."

Heat gathered in David's cheeks. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Asa meant. He cleared his throat. "Were you offended? I can sincerely apologize for my sister."

"It isn't necessary. I know Ruby wasn't herself." Asa smiled, touched by David's concern. "I used my power to put her out for a bit."

"Will she remember?" Sara's cheeks were a dark crimson. "If so, she'll be mortified."

"I won't tease her too much." He grinned.

Charles stepped close to him, ever the worrywart of the pack. "Are you alright?" He knew how much Ruby affected Asa, even when she wasn't one of them.

Asa nodded, but it felt like a lie. He felt like his heart might break free of his chest.

David watched the two of them suspiciously. He had no idea what they were saying, but he knew there was something Asa was withholding. "Please."

Asa and Charles both stared at him, their conversation ceasing. "Please, what?" Charles asked.

"Please tell me everything concerning my sister. Don't leave anything out." David took a deep breath. "I may not be one of you, but I deserve to know what's happening."

Sara took his hand. "I'll tell you everything. Don't worry."

"That's like telling a fish not to breathe underwater."

She giggled. "You said you trust me. So, trust me."

David nodded.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know," Asa offered. "All you have to do is promise you won't get in the way."

David's brows knitted together. "What do you mean?"

He licked his lips. "There are certain things you may not like when it comes to the life of a wolf." Charles gave him a warning look. "For instance, do you know what imprinting is?"

David's eyes grew wide. He'd watched wolf movies before, and Ruby had shoved the Twilight movies down his throat at every opportunity. Of course, he had no idea if it was anything like that. "I have a vague idea. It's when a wolf falls for someone they can't live without."

Surprised, Asa nodded. "Yes."

Judging by Asa's reaction, David had no issue jumping on Asa's train of thought. "And you've fallen for-well, imprinted on-Ruby?"

Sara stared at him, waiting patiently for Asa's answer. It was the first she'd heard of it. Sara knew Asa was a little obsessed with following her around but didn't think it was this serious. "You-" She glared at him. "When did you know?"

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