Chapter 8: Bandaids Don't Fix Bullet Holes

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The icy feeling didn't go away, even when Asa escorted Ruby back into the house. She rubbed her arms rapidly, hoping to work some warmth into them.

"How long has this been happening?" Asa asked as they walked into the living room together. It was no longer lively. Everyone seemed engaged in intimate conversations.

"What is it?" David asked, turning toward them immediately. "What's happened?"

"You know, you're kind of jumpy for a cop," Carter drawled, whirling around. Anna playfully slapped him, her eyebrows drawn in displeasure.

"He's venturing into uncharted territory. Give him time to process." She shook her head. "I've had weeks and still skittish about it."

Carter smiled at her but remained silent.

Ruby watched them intently. She sensed something between them. The way Carter hung on Anna's every word. Guys didn't listen to girls that intently unless they were interested. Did he know she was married? Anna giggled like a lovesick schoolgirl, and Ruby tore her eyes away. She focused on David instead.

"It's that feeling I got before." Ruby's eyebrows knitted together.

A frown creased David's forehead. They had discussed it before. "I thought you said it was because of him." He indicated Asa with a jerk of his head.

"Who? Me?" Asa pointed to himself, and David nodded. Asa stared at her incredulously. "Do I make you cold?"

"It could be her power," Carter declared, turning his attention from Anna. "She could be an ice baby like Charles."

"What's 'like Charles'?" Charles placed his hands on his hips as he entered the room.

Carter grinned. "Ruby may be an ice baby like you."

At the mention of ice, Ruby rubbed her arms up and down again. The feeling wasn't going away this time. She felt like piercing eyes stared at her from places unknown. "I don't think it's anything like that. I don't know because I've never had a gift like you mentioned, but I imagine it would feel quite different."

"What does it feel like?" Asa asked, concern shining on his face. The thought that he brought her discomfort didn't sit well with him.

An anxious sigh blew through her lips. "It's difficult to put into words." She frowned. "My skin is ice-cold like a frost covers it when the feeling comes over me. I shiver inside and out."

It feels like someone is watching me.

"Hmm. I've never heard of that before." Charles rubbed his chin. "Even when I use my power, my skin is cool, but it doesn't feel like ice."

"What's your power?" Anna asked, curious.

"Well, it's ice," he said, chuckling.

Her cheeks burned. "Oh."

"Don't sweat it, Anna." Carter nudged her playfully. "That's why I call him an ice baby."

She smiled at him. Anna was thrown into this brand-new world, too. She seemed so at ease sometimes it was hard to remember that.

Ruby sighed, exasperated that her cold feeling wouldn't leave. It was starting to get to her. Then, just as suddenly as it hit, the feeling disappeared. Relieved, she exhaled loudly.

"What is it?" Asa's eyes found hers.

"It left. The feeling left."

"Then it couldn't possibly be because of Asa," Sara reasoned. "He didn't go anywhere."

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