7. 𝘚𝘕𝘖𝘞.

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" chapter seven "

•. 7. | "I'M IN THE LEAD." Nick pointed out as the two boys sat on his bed, playing mario kart on Nick's Nintendo switch. A small smirk came over the brunette's face as he glanced toward Nick, who kept begging to win. "Can you just let me—"

"As if I'd let you win." Alexander smirked.

"Can you let me win one time?" Nick begged. "You've won five or six games."

"This is me trying to let you win!" Alexander smirked. "I'm going easy on you." Soon enough, once again, the brunette cheered as he won. He let out a cheerful shout as he stood up. "Ha! I win again!"

"How are you so good at this?" Nick questioned.

"You get to be good at actual sports, I'll be good at these ones." Alexander smirked as he sat back down.

"No, you're just good at everything." Nick smiled.

"No, I'm really not." Alexander shook his head as he looked toward the boy seaside him.

"You are." Nick looked at him. "You're a proper little nerd."

Alexander gasped and playfully glared at him. "Am not."

"Let's see. You're good at video games. Literally all school subjects, but especially English. Playing the guitar. Befriending dogs, and you are good at sports. Like, you run so fast—" Alexander put a hand over the boy's mouth. "You know it's true. Get off me. Get off." The two boys laughed when suddenly Alexander went silent. "What's wrong?"

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he looked out the window. "It's snowing."

The two boys practically ran downstairs. While Alexander started petting Nellie again, Nick walked over with a hoodie. "Try this one." He handed it over. Henry let a smile take over his face as he shoved it on. "That one looks good."

"Come on then!" Alexander smiled as he rushed to shove on his jacket. Nick shook his head at the boy's behaviour as he followed. As soon as both jackets and shoes were on, the two boys walked out of Nick's house. Nick slowly turned around.

"Nellie!" He shouted causing the brown border collie to come rushing out.

Alexander looked around with a smile as he watched the snow fall. His eyes fell to the boy beside him, who was trying to catch the snow on his tongue. A chuckle escaped his mouth before he bent down to see Nellie, who jumped around in the snow. Nick did the same.

All of a sudden, Alexander felt something cold smack into his jacket. Slowly, he looked toward Nick who had a smirk on his face. "Oh, you arse!" He shouted, throwing a snowball right at Nick's face. It turned into a snowball fight. Nellie was rushing back and forth between the two as the snow balls went flying.

Alexander carefully lay down on the snow. He let out a small laugh before starting to make snow angels. Soon enough, Nick soon joined him. The two boys lay there making Snow angels for a few moments before Nellie rushed toward them, laying between the two.

They lay there, just talking. Nick looked up to the sky. "More!" He shouted at the sky. "Come on. More!"

"You're an idiot." Alexander joked, looking toward him.

"Says you." Nick answered back. Alexander rolled his eyes before looking back toward the sky.

He loved the snow.

"ALEXANDER SEEMS like a lovely boy." Nick's mum said from the table as Nick stood, making tea. "When did you meet him?" She asked while looking down at the stuff in front of her. Alexander had gone home just a few moments before. Currently, the brunette was just laying his guitar as his own home, thinking about the moment in the snow.

"Uh..." Nick tried to remember. "Couple of months ago. Uh, he's in my form."

"He's very different to your other friends, isn't he?" Nick turned to look at his mum with slight confusion. "You seem much more yourself around him." He furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped slightly closer to where his mum sat.

"Do I?" He questioned confused.

His mum smiled up at him. "You do."

Nick looked down. "Oh." He muttered before drinking from his mug. He chuckled softly, looking toward his mum as he thought about it.

NICK WALKED into school after the weekend with a smile on his face as he walked toward his group of friends who all sat at the usual bench. They all chatted behind him as he looked down at his phone, where he and Alexander's Instagram messages were open. "Soooo I was wondering if you wanted to hand out again this weekend—" he typed when suddenly a loud thud echoed beside him.

"Who are you texting?" His friend, Imogen, asked with a smile. Nick closed his phone, looking toward her.

"Your mum?" He smiled as all of his friends behind him laughed.

"Whoa. Great joke, Nicholas." Imogen smiled as she spoke sarcastically. Suddenly, she went to grab his phone. "Who are you texting?" She asked again.

Nick pulled away. "Don't."

"Come on, who's DMs have you slid into?"

"I haven't. God." He said.

"Well, okay, fine." She turned to look at the group behind her as she stood. "He's definitely chirpsing someone." The whole group broke into a cheer before the chatter continued on. Nick looked down at his phone, deleting the message before putting away his phone.

"Oh, you asshole!" He heard someone shout. He glanced to his right as he spotted Alexander chasing after Louis who had the brunette's phone in hand. "Give it back, you bastard!" He shouted as Louis let out a loud cackle.

"Never!" He yelled as he continued to run.

Alexander came to a stop, looking toward is brother with a pleading look. "No." Charlie shook his head. "No, this is your problem, I'm not dealing with it."

"Please!" Alexander almost got on his knees, begging while looking at his brother. "He loves you more than me!"

"Really?" Charlie looked at him with slight hope.

"Yes. Really." Alexander swung an arm around his brother's shoulders. "He asks about you every two minutes. So, please, just get me my phone back!"

Charlie sighed before walking off. "Fine!"

"Ha! Thank you!— hold on, wait for us!" Alexander shouted after him before running to catch up with him, Tao and Isaac not that far behind him.

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