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" chapter eight "

•. 8. | "SO..." Tao spoke up from beside the twin boys. They were currently watching the Rugby watch that was happening, Henry and Charlie stood at the side as Reserves. While the brunette was watching a specific boy, Charlie was watching Louis. "We're doing well."

Charlie looked toward him. "Don't pretend you have any idea you know what's going on."

"Which end are we supposed to be getting the ball to?" Tao looked at each end of the pitch with confusion.

Alexander pointed to the other side of the pitch. "That one..."

"Nick scored most of the points. Well, he is the rugby king." Tao shrugged. Alexander slowly walked away from the two as he noticed the look Tao gave him. It meant : walk away, I have to talk to your brother. So he did. It was a private conversation. Unknown to him, they were talking about his best friend, Louis... and something about Nick Nelson.

"Alexander!" He heard someone shout. The brunette looked to find the voice only to find Nick Nelson. He waved toward him making him wave back with a smile. Nick smiled as he walked back toward the team. Unknowingly to him, Charlie had been told something that would break Alexander's heart to pieces.

Nick Nelson liked a girl... and Alexander didn't know.

CHARLIE was having a sleepover with his friends that night. That meant that he'd be stuck in his room. Alone. While his brother was hanging out with his friends, Alexander waiting for Louis to randomly show up at his house. But until then, Alexander was in his room, headphone on while he strummed the strings of his guitar. The tune of "Reflections" by The Neighbourhood echoing from his guitar.

"Maybe it's a blessing in disguise," he muttered to the tune, his eyes closed as he felt the stings touch his fingertips. "I see my reflection in your— AGH!" He jumped as he felt a pillow smack into his face.

Removing the headphones from his head, he looked toward the door where both Elle and Louis stood, laughing their asses off. "I see my reflection in your— argh!!" Louis copied as the two held onto each other for stability. Alexander stuck his tongue out at the two before placing his guitar back in it's stand.

"You are an arse." Alexander jokingly glared at him before turning to Elle. "Not you Elle, just him."

"Alright, alright," Elle took in a breath, the smile still on her face. "I'm going to go annoy your brother."

"Please." Alexander nodded with a small laugh as Elle walked through into Charlie's room. Louis closed the door behind him as he entered the room. "So, what are you doing here?"

"What do you think?" Louis questioned as he threw himself on the bed with a sigh. Laying, stomach down, next to where Alexander sat. "I'm not here to have tea with your mum — but that does sound nice actually."

Alexander sighed as he stood up. "Charlie has been acting weird." Louis rolled over so he was laying on his side, elbow holding him up.

"Oh?" Carefully, he sat up, pulling himself to the headboard. "What's up? Is he okay?"

"Ever since this morning at rugby, every time I mentioned Nick he'd go all... weird. Like he knows something I don't." Alexander explained as he walked toward his desk, sitting down on the Spinny chair. "You don't think he..."

"Don't think what?" Louis pressed.

"You don't think..." Alexander furrowed his eyebrows while Louis looked at him with slight worry. "You don't think Charlie likes Nick, do you?"

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