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" chapter seventeen "

•. 17. | HENRY WAITED BY THE ARCADE, which was also the entrance. While his brother and his friends all were at the bowling alley, he was waiting for Nick. He wore a dark red jumper with a large badge with the number '15' printed on it and his black jeans. The second he spotted Nick, a large smile came over his face. "You came!" He cheered as he rushed over.

"Yeah, of course I did." He smiled at him before handing him the small bag. "Happy birthday."

"I told you I didn't want anything!" Henry crossed his arms, looking at him.

"And I ignored you." Nick smiled. "Kind of forgot about your brother though."

"It's fine, he won't mind. Right, come on then!" The birthday boy smiled at him, pulling him through the arcade and toward the bowling lane.

"Am I the first one here?" he asked, not spotting any of the others.

"Nope!" Henry laughed. "You're last. We're over in lane 17." He pointed toward the lane where Elle and Tao were speaking while Louis and Charlie chatted with each other. The boy furrowed his eyebrows with a smile as he looked at Elle.

"I feel like I know her from somewhere."

"Oh, Elle? Yeah, she used to go to our school. She would have been in your year but she moved to Higgs." Henry explained as they came to a stop not far away from the lane. "That over there is Isaac. He doesn't speak much but he's really nice. And of course, that's Tao, Louis and Charlie. Sorry if Tao says anything shitty to you, he's being acting like that since birth."

"Okay." Nick chuckled.

"Ready to, uh, meet them?" He asked looked at the boy.

"Yeah." He smiled at him before they all walked over to the group. As the two got closer, Henry started to speak.

"Everyone, this is Nick." Henry introduced, swinging an arm around Nick's shoulders before walking toward Louis and Charlie.

"Hey!" Nick smiled at the group.

"Hey." Isaac smiled.

"Oh, good." Elle smiled. "We're just choosing fun names for the board."

"Fun names?" Nick raised his eyebrows before walking over to the keyboard thing. Henry smiled as he watched them all.

"Yeah, and for the record, Elle smells was Tao's idea." Isaac explained. They all laughed while Henry walked up to.

"I'm sorry, is that my name?!" He asked with shock as he looked at the board. Nick laughed at his reaction as he leaned forward to get a closer look at the board. "Why am I Horrid Henry?!"

"You're the most horrid of Henrys." Louis spoke as he looked at him. "You can thank me for that."

"I am the nicest person on earth, thank you very much." Henry joked as he nudged the boy in the stomach.

After names were chosen, the group spent their time bowling balls and scoring points. They ate chips which were surprisingly very good. Nick was incredibly good at bowling, Henry was a close second while Louis... was incredibly shit as always. "I was so close." Elle groaned as she walked away from Henry.

"You definitely cheated." Henry crossed his arms as Nick came to stand beside him.

"Oh, yeah? How?" Nick asked, facing him.

"You're the one with the rugby arms." Henry nudged him.

"Rugby arms?" Nick questioned.

"Yeah!" Henry spoke, a voice crack echoing through his voice. "It's unfair! An unfair advantage. You should be disqualified."

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