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" chapter twenty—two. "

•. 22. | THE group arrived just a little bit later. Students were all setting up while the teacher was preparing everything else. Henry sat down at his seat, Nick next to him just watching him as he set up his guitar. "Here," Henry gently handed the boy the guitar, helping the boy play a few chords on the guitar. "See? Natural." He let out a small chuckle, looking up at Nick. "I'm glad you're here."

"It seemed like you didn't want me to be." Nick looked at him.

"No, no, I did, I'm just... I thought you were just trying not to be rude or something."

"No." Nick shook his head. "I just... I like being with you."

"Awh, shut up." Henry shook his head with a smile, taking a glance at the floor before looking at the people around them. "Plus, we have been hanging out together a lot and if people found out we were, you know, together and they said shit about you then... well, I don't want you to deal with it. Plus, I'd beat them up till their brain explodes."

"I, um... I've been researching about being bisexual." Nick admitted, looking at the brunette beside him. "Uh... I think that might be me. But I... I'm not sure."

A smile took over Henry's face as he looked at him. "You Just have to take your time, finding yourself is difficult. But, still, I'm proud." As the boy spoke, Nick watched him — a small smile taking over.

"Has anyone seen Tara and Darcy?" The voice of the teacher spoke up causing the remaining people to look up. "I'm about to open the doors for the audience."

Charlie and Henry shared a concerned look before the two boys practically jumped up and ran out of the doors nearby — The rest of their friend group following closely behind as they ran through the halls. Tao, Louis, Elle, Charlie, Nick and Henry all screamed the names of the two missing girls, knocking on any door they passed.

"Tara?" Henry shouted. "Darcy!"

As they ran, the voices of Tara and Darcy shouting for help for louder and soon the rugby player in the group barged open the door. "Hey." He greeted casually, fixing his hair as almost the whole group stood in the doorway. "You guys are supposed to be on stage, like, right now."

Those words forced the group to bolt down the corridor, Henry and Nick unconsciously grabbing each other's hands while Tao ran as fast as he could... yet still ran far behind everyone else.

Eventually, they made it back. The large group of adults, classmates and friends all sitting on chairs in front of the band. Tao and Elle ran straight for the audience, taking their seats while the instrument players — plus Nick and Louis — ran to their instruments. While Henry double checked his tuning, he glanced up at his boyfriend. A smile made its way onto his face as he saw him helping Tara before giving him a smile as he rushed to the audience.

As Henry closed his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh, the boy felt eyes on the side of his head. His eyes opened, glancing to his right to see Katie giving him a reassuring smile from where she sat. Henry, glad to see her there, sent her a wide smile before turning back to the audience — locking eyes with a certain rugby player. Let's just say, that's where his eyes mostly stayed that whole time.


Just a short chapter because this is where the
Episode ends !! So yeah!! :D
Also, season three comes out in October
AAAA !!!!

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