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" chapter nineteen. "

•. 19. | "I Can't believe you get the whole day off to rehearse for this." Nick chuckled as he, Alexander and Charlie all walked in to the hall where a group of kids stood or sat with instruments. Alexander shook his head with a smile as they came to a stop, looking at each other while Charlie continued walking.

"Playing musical instruments has its benefits." Alexander smirked, his hands in his pockets as the guitar in its case hung over his back.

"When is the concert?" Nick asked, tilting his head.

"Friday Night."

"Can I come?" He asked.

"Why?" Alexander furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because you're performing."

"You don't have to? I mean, it's just a bunch of random kids all playing instruments. Plus, you probably have better things to do that watch me play guitar and my brother play drums." Alexander chuckled before the teacher waved over to him.

"Alexander, come on! You need to tune your guitar!" Alexander nodded at the teacher with a smile as she turned back around. Without a word, Alexander smiled at Nick and walked toward his chair, pulling the acoustic guitar from it's case.

"Hey, Nick!" Tara Jones appeared, walking up to Nick with a smile.

"Tara." Nick laughed, shocked to see her here. "You're in the orchestra too?"


"I have literally no musical ability." Nick glanced at Alexander. "Alexander tired to teach me the guitar once and I am absolutely crap." Tara nodded with a laugh and smile. She looked over at the orchestra and back at Nick.

"You and Alexander getting along well then?"

"Uh..." Nick glanced over to Alexander who was making faces at how out of tune his guitar was. He saw him look at Charlie who was only laughing at his attempts while he set up his drums. "Yeah. Actually... well... we're sort of going out."

"Are you?" Tara asked with a huge smile.

"I mean, we haven't made it official or anything, but... yeah. Please don't tell anyone though." Nick looked at Tara.

"No, of course." The girl smiled. "Funny how things turned out between us."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, when we were 13, I thought we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend forever." Tara and Nick both chuckled at the memory.

"Yup. So did I. Are you and Darcy out to your friends, then?"

"Since I, uh, posted on insta, everyone kind of knows now. Um, some people were surprised, a couple of people already knew..." Suddenly, a loud trumpet echoed behind her as her girlfriend appeared behind her. "Darcy!"

"Triumph at Last!" Darcy cheered.

"Come on, girls. We're running through it again in a minute." The teacher called over to them both.

"We're here all day if you want to meet us for lunch." Tara looked at Nick.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Nick smiled as the two ran off, his eyes falling to Alexander who watched him already. He sent him a small wave which was given back just as the teacher started to speak.

"Alex!" A partially familiar voice shouted causing the brunette boy to turn around. Practise had ended and everyone was heading off for lunch before returning. A girl with short light blonde hair and thick eyeliner came running toward him. "Alexander, oh my god! It's been ages."

"Katie?" Alexander's eyes widened as the girl came rushing toward him. "Oh, my god!" The two couldn't help but take each other into a tight hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm in the orchestra! I saw you across the room, I thought it couldn't be but here you are!" The girl almost started jumping up and down with excitement. Alexander chuckled as he watched her. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright, yeah. What about you? You still with... what's her face?"

"You mean Scarlett?" Katie guessed. "No, we broke up a few months ago. On good terms though, we're just friends now." She explained.

"That's good." There was a small silence before Katie spoke up again.

"Have you... have you ever thought of getting the band back together?" Alexander froze for a second. In all honesty, he did. But without Aaron. "I've been non-stop thinking about how I miss playing with you guys."

"I have actually." Alexander admitted. "Just— if we were then I'd only join if we... replaced Aaron."

Katie nodded with understanding. She thought for a second. "I might know someone. She's really, really nice. One of my good friends actually. She plays guitar. Really nice! You'd love her!"

"When can I meet her?" Alexander smiled.


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