Chapter 65. - What Did You Exchange?

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Silence took over the dark room after the last horrifying display and Colin's mind went into overdrive. Lil was still lying on the floor practically motionless with the exception of shallow breaths, the only indication she was still alive at all. Shane, Derek, John and Lana were tied up in the corner and silent as mice, likely just as terrified as Colin was after everything they've just witnessed. He wondered if they realized who Freya was just like he did or if they were still blissfully oblivious to the truth. And then it hit him. Lil knew. That was the big secret over which Freya nearly killed her weeks ago. The same one this man was determined to get. Freya's past as Noyla Brook was a very carefully hidden secret it seemed. Did the Northerners really hate them that much? Was that why they were just thrown into this horrendous camp and basically left to die?

"You are so lucky right now that I made a promise to sweet Olivia over there to get your ass and what's left of your pathetic little group back South. You'd be joining dear Vince here very shortly otherwise," Azazeal turned his attention back to him and Colin didn't know what to do. Or what to reply. The look of this man was so casual, yet it felt like it could crush him.

"Az, leave it. He's not worth it," Freya said as she threw Colin a look of utter indifference. Whether she really felt that way or just pretended, Colin couldn't tell. Then again, looking at her, actually seeing her now, what could he tell? What did he really know? He sent her to this place to die, but she didn't. Somehow she stood right there in front of him like a vengeful goddess, his life at her mercy.

"No. You are. He fucked with you and then threw you out to die," Azazeal replied, still looking in Colin's direction and he wanted nothing else than to defend himself. But what could he say? What could he possibly say that would make this monster in front of him listen? He called Freya his wife, which meant they were likely mates. He had his side of the story of course. But he wasn't naive enough to think it would matter. Not to the woman in front of him and definitely not to her mate who not only seemed like he would try to burn the World down for her, he even looked very capable of succeeding in it.

"We should go," Olivia spoke up unexpectedly. She said nothing else, but her voice didn't sound anywhere as timid as she looked. There was an edge to her voice. Something Colin couldn't quite put a finger on. But one thing was clear, she didn't fear these people. At least not in the way she should.

"You know the deal. Keep your mouths shut and you may as well get out of here alive someday. You got Liv to thank for that. But give me one reason to break that promise and I will skin you all alive," Azazeal said towards Colin, his voice so casual like they were discussing evening news, yet everything about it screamed danger and certain doom. Colin flinched, still unable to even lift his head under that man's gaze. What kind of power was this? Colin watched them all leave. All except for Olivia who paused to turn around towards him and Lil.

"I'm sorry this guy hurt you. I'll get you all home. I promise," she whispered as she took her hood off, remorse clear in her eyes. What was she feeling sorry for? None of this was her fault. If anything it was Colin's. He was the one arrogant enough he was worth something as an alpha. That he could protect his home, his mate, his friends. Yet he was lying here on the floor, unable to even move when the love of his life was about to die. And Olivia? She was stuck with a group of Northern wolves who were capable of just about anything. He let that happen.

"Olivia," he rasped just as she turned to leave.

"Yeah?" she asked, her voice quiet almost as if she was afraid they'd hear her talking to him. Who were these people? And who were they to her? Why did they just take her in to begin with? Was it all because she was Noyla's best friend years ago?

"What did you give them? In return for getting us home, what did you exchange?" he asked and the look in her eyes broke his heart. There was sadness, shame and something hard to describe. What did she do?

"Don't worry about it, Colin. Just keep quiet and stay alive. I will get you home," she replied.

"Us? And what about you?" Dread settled in his stomach. "Olivia!" He called after her, but she turned away and left, leaving them alone in this dark room.

There was a time when Colin loved Noyla Brook. Or at least he thought he did. They grew up together. With her parents being one of the richest and influential in Moonvalley, she was always around. She was a golden child of their society just like he was. Her mother liked to spoil her rotten and there was little she couldn't get. So it almost made sense that when they became hormonal teenagers, she'd expect to get him too. And he went with it. The whole captain of the football team and head cheerleader cliche, the perfect couple idea. Truth was he was just horny as hell and she was hot. They already knew each other, she was familiar. And despite being annoying for the most part, she was his comfort zone. What he didn't realize was that it was so much more to her.

Then Lilian came along. Colin wasn't really into the idea at first. And neither were his parents. Lil was an outsider, a quiet little mouse nobody took seriously. Compared to Noyla, she was a nobody in his parents' eyes. He wanted to reject her, it was a smart thing to do. But when it came to actually doing it, he couldn't. The moment Lilian entered his life, Noyla turned into an annoying bitch. He simply couldn't stand her. They didn't belong together. So he distanced himself and tried to let her down gently. But she was relentless. Could he have handled it better? Probably. But how was he supposed to know? They were just teenagers.

When they broke up, Colin thought it wasn't a big deal. And considering she kissed Ryan and slept with Shane shortly after, he thought she saw it the same. Yes, she was probably upset over not becoming Luna, but he really didn't think she ultimately cared for him that much. Until the day she nearly killed Lilian. He saw red after that. Lil still wore the scars of that day. And back then, she was kind enough to even beg him not to punish Noyla for it. But he had to. Not just because it was the law, but because she nearly took everything from him. And his father would never let Noyla get away with it either. If there was one thing his father couldn't handle, it was a wounded pride. For a rankless girl to nearly take out his son and his daughter-in-law was an insult to his very existence. So, he made sure Noyla was made an example of. And to a degree, so were her parents, who were dragged through the mud. It seemed so insignificant compared to what happened. At least until he recognized her just minutes ago.

"Are you guys okay?" John finally spoke into the silence that surrounded them in that dark room where they were still stuck in with two corpses. The doors were open now of course. But moving seemed like an impossible task.

"Define okay," Lil rasped while Colin crawled over to her, his body screaming with agony upon every move. He knew he was badly beaten. It would take days before he recovered. In the camp conditions probably even longer. He was hopeless. And he hated it.

"We're alive. Let's just focus on that," Colin finally said once he reached Lil. Her throat was already darkening with bruises from where she was choked.

"I'm okay. Let's untie the guys," she whispered to him and pointed into the corner where John, Derek, Shane and Lana sat tied up. Colin nodded. He tried to get up but ended up pretty much crawling to them instead, Lil doing the same next to him. And untying those ropes seemed like an impossible task with the pain and exhaustion they all felt, but Colin knew they had to get out of this building and away from the two corpses as fast as possible. Because whatever message it was Azazeal and Freya intended to send, it would get very twisted if anyone from his group was found here also.

"Let's get out of here. Come on, brother," Shane helped Colin stand up and acted as a support as the whole group walked out of that blasted building into yet another snowstorm.

"We should hide in Lana and Derek's house until you guys recover at least. Whatever was going on, these people knew exactly where to look for us. Your place isn't safe anymore," John said as he stirred everyone in a different direction from the house they would usually go to.

The journey there felt like forever despite it being very short. But by the time they got there, Colin knew he was in a bad shape and so was Lil. Their friends lit the fire in the fireplace and placed them right by it, creating as much comfort as possible with the furs they had at their disposal. Shane and John even went back into Colin's cabin to gather whatever supplies were there. And by the time they all passed out from sheer exhaustion on the floor, they knew there was no way they would separate again. This small cottage was gonna be their home until they could leave. Assuming Olivia really had the power to stick to the promise she made that in that horrible room.

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