A/N: Will be rewritten on my second account

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I have some ideas for a rewrite of this on my second account, It's currently on the planning board and I will put the old version you guys seemed to like so much (No idea how you made this blow up to almost 60K but you did) in the archive's which is posted on my second account fallen-FawnSeraphim so check that out once I get Helping Love done and I also have plans for a rewrite on there too and this isn't going to be all in one setting. And I know that most of the parts that are in this book are A/N's with only 21 chapters in total 💀 buttttttttttttt My longest book by chapters is Helping Love at 60 chapters (Currently working on 61 now) now this is short and I know I haven't really been working on the new banished Naruto book but I think I should rewrite what I've got now, no idea how that's gonna work but okay 0w0.



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