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Cannibal's Island
Aubrey's Pov:

The cannibals gave Jack a necklace made out of human toe fingers, most likely and adult's and me they gave a necklace out of human toe fingers but they were slightly smaller, perhaps the little toe.

"Thank you." Jack said professionally

I on the other hand looked at it in disgust. The cannibals started to whisper something to one another as they stared at me. I look down at it and act like I didn't see what it was they put around my neck.

"Ahhh!" They said in realisation

I nodd and give and embarrassed look. Thank god I'm good at acting. Suddenly they all got awkward again. Jack noticed this and slowly pulled me towards him. I, not thinking properly, just smash his lips into mine. His eyes widen but he closes them and pulled me closer to him. I pull away and the crowd starts cheering. Jack then takes a finger from his necklace and took a tiny bite out of it's  toe nail. He spits it out.

"Don't kiss me!" I say to him

I turn to him and narrow my eyes so to the crowd that has no idea what I'm saying it would look as if I'm teasing Jack. He pulls me closer again but I with my knuckle gently turn his head to the crowd and give a playful smirk. I turn back to the crowd and try to reclaim my composure.

"How about about you and I trick them and get us out of here?"
Jack whispers to be

I shiver.

"Do you have a plan?" I say with a playful look as I turn to him

"Follow my lead." He said

We sat it silence for a short while.

"Oy! No, no! Oy! Wait! No, no! More wood!" Jack shouts

He got up from his throne and walked towards the men carrying wood to make a fire. He waved his hands to the wood then to the men, gesturing for more.

"We need a bigger fire!" I shout

I now too get up from my seat and join Jack.

"More wood!" I shout again

"Big fire!" I order

"Big fire!" Jack said empathising the word 'Big'

We pause for a moment as the men try and process what we are saying.

"We are cheif, we want Big fire!" He said again

"Oy! Boy! Ma-boogie snickle-snickle!"
                     "I want more wood!"
He shouts to a boy that was helping the men

"Tout de suite!" I shout hoping they atleast can partly understand
 "Right away!"

"Come on, more wood!" Jack rushes

As they all rush off to find us wood we exchange a look at one another.

"Is it time to do your famous run?" I say

He takes my hand.

"Darling, all we need to do now ... is to run!" He says

We run away as fast as we can. We cross a bridge that is most likely to fall as soon as we are off it but that's alright because we don't want the cannibals to follow. We run into a small hut and take several supplies. Jack also took some seasoning. He turned it over to reveal the East India Trading Company logo on it. Just as soon as we open the door and are about to leave, the cannibals catched up with us and we were surrounded. I gripped onto Jack's shirt. He chuckled nervously. And sprinkled some of the paprika under his armpits and lifted my arms to sprinkle some under mine. Holding my arm up he smelt the paprika he sprayed on me. I give a wry smile to the cannibals.

They ignored us and tied us both together onto a bamboo stick, Jack on one side and I on the side. Before the man could light the wood on fire below us, a boy came up to the cannibals, shouting.

"Da, latazo! Da, litazo! Hay la paka say-say!" The boy said
"Cheifs! Chiefs! The rest of the crew have escaped!"

The crowd stays silent not knowing if they should stay or listen too the boy. According too Jack the boy said that the rest of the crew has escaped.

"Well go on then! Go get them! Fe lala!" Jack shouts to them
                                                        "Get them!"

The cannibals repeat his words. "Fe lala!"
                                                           "Get them!"

They run off to find the rest of the crew and to capture them once more. Strange they would listen too their cheif even though they are trying to roast them and eat them.

"No, no no! Oy!" Jack shouts after them

"Not good!"

He was probably referring to us being stuck here.

I look down to see Jack blowing at the fire the cannibals dropped accidentally

"Jack, it's going to reach the wood!" I say worryingly

He sighed.

"You worry too much." Jack said with an annoyed tone

"Why wouldn't I! We are too be-"

"You and your father always forget one thing..."
Suddenly me and Jack are standing in front of the fire

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, love." He finishes

"How are we going to run-" I begin but Jack speaks over me

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, darling!" He said again smugly

He slightly bends over just enough to get me two feet off the ground and starts to run. We come across a hut and Jack enters it and tries to find anything to cut the ropes. I see a boy behind us that was staring in confusion. As I said, a day full of confusion. I pat Jack on his shoulder. He hums to me as a reply. I point to the boy. Jack turn around and takes his knife from his hands. The boy ran off. Jack takes the knife and frees me from the ropes. I take the knife from his hand and crouch before him in order the see what I was doing properly.

"Ermm..." Jack says

I turn my head around. Two women stood behind us staring at what we were doing. I fasten my pace and finally get the ropes loose enough to free Jack. I couldn't completly free him as the knife was taken from my hands. Stood up and we stared back at them. At that moment I realised that to someone who was standing either behind or in front of us, it would look as if we were doing something ... I'm not sure how too explain this ... dirty. I tried speaking but nothing came out of my mouth.

Jack held me tightly towards him and charged towards the women  but ended up charging into a pit of coconuts and fell of the edge of the cliff. We screamed until we his the end. I landed onto Jack and the coconuts outlined our bodies. The stick landed in front of our heads; barely missing us.

"A-geev-nee. Uh boogie." I hear one of the women say
"Lets go these people are full of sh*t."

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