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Suddenly, the crowd of cannibals charged towards us.

"Run?" I asks Jack

"Darling, all you need to do now is scream ... oh and also ... RUN!"

We run down the beach and turn in order to head towards the Pearl. The cannibals had found us and we need to get away. On it were the rest of the crew, well, the rest of the crew that survived.

"Hey!" I shout

They turn to us. I can see Will smile but it instantly fades as the cannibals come into sight for him. A dog starts to bark at them, trying to scare them away.

"Good, doggie!" Jack said

Me and Jack jump on a rope and hold it tightly as the Black Pearl set out to sea.

"Alas, my children!" Jack shouts out to them

They all start to throw their arms in the air and break their weapons.

"You shall remember this as the day that you almost-"

A big wave from behind washes over me and Jack. I spit out the water in my mouth.

"Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack finishes

Jack pulls me before him so I could climb aboard. Once he saw me  and Gibbs talking then he climbed aboard aswell. Gibbs came back with two weary blankets for me and Jack.

"These ones?" He asked me

"Aye." I reply

"Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea." Gibbs said to Jack

"Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows as much as possible."
Jack say as he stared at the island

"Uh, that sounds a bit contradictory, Captain."
Gibbs said with a nervous smile

I have noticed Master Gibbs is a very nervous man when it comes to Jack. I couldn't tell why. Was it because Jack's way of thinking, the way he does somethings or because he always ends up getting in trouble. I must say getting in trouble with Jack is the funnest thing we do together.

"We have every faith in your reconcilatory navigation skills master Gibbs." I say for Jack

Jack nodds. "Now where is that monkey, I want to shoot something!" Jack said filled with anger and annoyance

"No! Look, I want to shoot something too but we can shoot anything exept for Jack!" I say

"Why on earth would I want to shoot myself?" Jack asked

"Not you the monkey!" I say back

I hear the monkey screech in fright. He dropped Raggeti's wooden eye and climbed the rigging. Jack took his pistol out and attempted to shoot it. I run behind him and try pulling his gun down. He pulls the trigger but missed as I pushed his arms and the ammo shot out into the sky.

"I'm telling you one day I'll run in front of that monkey when you attempt to shoot it!" I say angrily

"Jack!" Will said

Jack turned around to him.

"Elizabeth's in danger."

"Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her. Maybe just lock her up sometime." I say

The governor would tell me to take Elizabeth to her room and keep her occupied if she would get in trouble. She always found a way to get in trouble and I liked that about her. Even though we turned out the be from a completely different family being a Barbossa and a Swann, I still called her sister because I barely remember my own. I only have a drawing of her when we were younger and her name 'Carina' but I have nothing more. Last I heard of her was 5 years ago, I actually didn't know she was my sister but I found the name familiar 'Carina Smyth'. I remembered the name Carina because it was on the drawing which I lost when the governor had taken me but the last name 'Smyth' also was familiar. Just then I realised I hadn't been paying attention the the conversation Jack, Will and I were apparently having.

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