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I watched Will slow walking back tkwhere the sails where and lifted the fallen sails. I saw him jump back in surprise. He walked over the the edge and saw a few men on their knees. He said something I couldn't understand and the men spoke back to him. He stared at the men and suddenly, the Flying Dutchman swam up above the water.

"The Flying Dutchman has rose from the waters!"
I shout at the crew

Jack and Gibbs raced to my side and looked at the ship. They looked around the ship. Crewmembers of the ship looked half sea creature, half human but even their parts that looked like a normal human's would were covered in barnacles, coral and slime. They started to grab the men. A man with a captain's hat walked before them. He had an green octopus for a head, a claw and tentacle for an arm, he also had a tentacle and crab leg, he wore only black and I believe under his leather jacket and tonic is where his carved out heart. Jack took out his spyglass and looked around but Davy Jones wasn't on his ship and some of his crewman were gone. We look around the deck and turn to see Davy Jones on the deck with some of his crewmembers holding weapons at our own crew.

"Jack!" I whisper

"Oh." He says

Davy Jones approached us slowly.

"Ye have a debt to pay! You have been captain of the Black Pearl for thirteen years! That was our agreement!" Jones scoffs

We stared at him.

"Technically helps only been captain of the Pearl for two years."
I say for Jack who had completely frozen

Jack then unfroze and turned to me and back to Jones. He slid an arm around my waist.

"Then he was viciously mutinied upon." I add

Jones walked forwards two steps. I walk forwards four steps. I had refused for the English to give me intelligence when threatened. I have my own ways and most certainly won't run away from the threat. Jones gives a shocked look.

"Who be ye father?!" Jones shouts at me

"Hector Barbossa." I say firmly with a grin

He pouts slightly.

"And yet you marry the one person your father hated."
He said through gritted teeth

He acted as if I myself had tried to ruin his life multiples of times. He pushed me aside.

"W-what the woman said!" Jack stuttered

"Have you not all these years been introducing yourself as CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW!" The Flying Dutchman crew laughs

They stop as soon as Jones takes another step. His crew grab my tightly as I try punching him. He looks at me in disbelief but sighs and muttered under his breath.

"You have my payment. One soul to serve on your ship is already over there. " Jack explains as he attempted looking brave

"One soul is not equal to another!" Jones shouts

"Aha! So we've established my proposal is sound in principle, now we're just haggling over price!" Jack explains again

"Price? Pfft." Jones scowls

''Just how many souls do you think my soul is worth?" Jack asked

Jones thinks for a few seconds. "A hundred souls. Three days."

"Your a diamond mate! Send me the boy back, i'll get started right of!" Jack attempts pushing him away

A crew of Jones' blocks him from doing this and Jack sighs.

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