While nico, Taiga and Hirro are fighting against poppy. They see parado and y/n coming towards Emu for their fight.
Emu: parado and y/n
Parado:hello M
Y/n: Hello there big brother, please take a look at poppy being almost defeated by your doctor friends. *points to poppy*
Parado: I'm super excited for you
Y/n: same here and I hope you guys disappear for good
Y/n and Parado start fighting emu.
Emu: y/n !!!! Snap out of it
Y/n: stop !!!! *holds onto her head*
Parade: y/n!!!! *holds on to her*
Y/n: parado please destroy emu for me *goes into hiding from emu*
Emu: lil sis wait up
Parado: No !! *protects y/n from any harm*
Emu: Move!!
Parado: Y/n run now
Y/n: Yes parado sama *starts to run*
Emu: y/n !!!!!
Parado: Y/n, wait for me
Y/n:ok  *hides behind a building wall*
Parado: Are you alright
Y/n: Yes I'am
Emu: Y/n, please come out
Hiiro: Y/n san, you need treatment
Y/n: Why should I trust guys. I've already lost so many people who have protected me.
Emu: Y/n, look at me please
Hiro: Y/n, cmon and let's go back to the hospital
Y/n: N-no and where is parado and graphite ?
Parado: Emu and hiro, let go of her or else
Graphite: Y/n sama, are you alright ?!
Y/n: No and please get emu and hiro away from me ?! *runs behind parado*
Hiro: y/n!!!!
Emu: Little sis, please come back to me and I'll never forget you ever again. Just so you know poppy is my friend and she is your friends as well.
Y/n: No way and I'll never be her friend after what she did to me at the hospital when I came to see you.
Emu: Y/n, what did she do
Y/n: She stopped me from visiting you and hiro because I wasn't a patient or anything close to you two.
Hiro: Poppy, why did you not let her see me and her brother ?!
Poppy: I was jealous of her having a good relationship with you two.
Emu: Poppy, please apologize to my sister
Poppy: No way !! * transform and runs at y/n*
Hiro: No your not poppy *transforms and fights poppy*
Poppy: Hiro, get out of my way so that I kill this bitch for taking my emu and Hiro away from me.
Y/n: You see what I mean emu and Hiro. She won't let me near you or Hiro.
Poppy: You not worth to be with emu or Hiro *shoots at y/n shoulder*
Y/n: P-parado and G-graphite *falls on the ground*
Parado: Y/n sama !!!!!! *runs to her*
Graphite. y/n samaa !!!!!!! *runs to her *
Emu: Poppy !!!!!
Hiro: Poppy, look at what you done to y/n ?!
Poppy: y-y/n ? *falls onto the ground and cries loud*
Emu:parado and graphite let's go back to the hospital. I can save my little sister
Hiro: Yeah and let's leave poppy alone
Taiga: What happened to y/n and why is she on the ground bleeding ?!
Nico: Y/n san ?
Emu: Blame Poppy for it
Taiga: Poppy, why are you jealous of y/n?!
Nico: Yeah and y/n is emu little sister. She's always nice to all of us, even you
Parado: Sure and graphite what do you say
Graphite: Sure and we'll help each other in protecting y/n from poppy.
Taiga: sure
Nico: Yeah and let's have a good conversation today on what actually happened in the past with y/n and poppy.
Emu: Sure
Hiro: I guess so
Parado: I'm very curious on how y/n was like with poppy
Graphite: I've seen her grow up, basically she saved me from getting the virus by sacrificing herself for me.
Emu: she did what
Hiro: she did really and how
Graphite: when I saw coming her first aid kit to help me clean my wound. She fought against the bugsters that was attacking the city. That's when u noticed that she also had a heart problem when she was protecting me.
Parado: Y/n sama saved you ?
Graphite: Yes and I'am grateful for her bravery and kindness of doing it. I now know why she wanted to save the world from the bugster virus.
Emu: She really did save you two
Parado: Yeah and I love her for that
Graphite: Yeah
Emu: Let's go save her from dying
Hiro: Yeah

Parado  X Y/n Hojo ( Plot twist) Where stories live. Discover now