Half Price Drink

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It's been a while, but here's another fast food story! This is from my second job in fast food.

Background info: I was taking orders through headset and handing food out the drive thru window, and it was 30 minutes before happy hour (1/2 price drinks)

We were pretty slow when this happened. I had one person at my window, and one person at the drive thru speaker. I start taking their order.

Me: Hi, welcome to (place that I work). My name is Anna. What can I get started for you today?

Karen: Is it happy hour?

By the way she was yelling at me this entire conversation. Like, from the very beginning she was flat out yelling at me.

Me: *checks the time at it's only 1:30, but happy hour starts at 2:00* Sorry Maam, but happy hour starts at 2:00.

Karen: We'll I'm driving down to (place less than thirty minutes away) so I need you to give me the happy hour price on my drink.

Me: I'm sorry, but I'm not able to do that. The happy hour prices for drinks is something that the system does automatically at 2:00, and I have no way of forcing those prices to be applied before the set time.

Karen: so you are gonna make me drive down to (place less than thirty minutes away) without a drink? Give me the half price drink!

Me: again, I have no way of doing that. I can give you the half price drink at 2:00.

Karen: You really expect me to sit here in this fucking parking lot for half an hour to wait for a damn half priced drink? Fuck you!

She drove off while screaming the last part, and I made sure to wave at her as she drove by my window. I was kinda in shock by how mad this lady was, so I told all my coworkers what happened and we all had a lot of fun laughing about it.

How would you have handled the situation? Should I have explained anything to this lady differently? Let me know in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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