Chapter 2

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Above: Kallie aka Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in her dress for this chapter.

Kallie POV

I wake up this morning from someone shaking me. I groan.

'Please. Let me sleep' I mumble.

'Darling it's nearly 11:30. It's time to get up. We have guests coming for dinner for your fathers birthday and we have to go to the seamstress for our dresses' My mother says softly.

'Ugh okay. Who is coming over?' I ask as I get out of bed and stretch.

'Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros, Poseidon-'

'Wait wait wait. Is it just the family coming?!'

'And also the other Gods and Goddesses'

'Why Mum? I mean I love the family but I just get ignored because I'm the youngest and when I'm not ignored its Apollo annoying me. Honestly all Apollo does is hit on me. Last time he wrote me poetry. Poetry mum!' I exclaim as I pace my room. My mum chuckles.

'Yes he does have quite a soft spot for you. Just ignore him or at least try. It's your fathers birthday and he is really excited for tonight' Mum pleads as she gets up to hold my hand.

I sigh. 'Okay. Let's go. I assume they'll be here around 4?'

'Yes dear. I'll let you dress and meet you in the sewing parlour' Mum kisses me on the cheek and smiles at me as she leaves.


I look around the room at all the Gods and Goddesses. None have aged. Well you stop ageing at 21 so it makes sense that they look no different. I see my father in the corner talking with his brothers and Aunt Hera. My mother is at his side smiling up at him as he speaks. I wish I find love like theirs.

I walk across the room towards the punch bowl. My dress is gliding along with me. It is a beautiful soft, golden yellow with a one shoulder design. I paired it with matching gold sandals and gold jewellery. My hair was done in a loose updo with golden ribbon wrapped in my blonde hair. I smile as I spot Athena approaching the punch table.

'Kallie! It been so long!' Athena gushed as she embraces me in a long, tight hug. Athena was one of my many cousins. She was one of the few that acknowledged me and I hated that I hardly saw her.

'I know. It's been at least 18 months. How have you been?' I ask as I end the hug. She looked gorgeous with her long, brown hair down to her waist and her turquoise Grecian gown.

'Wonderful. I have been helping around Olympus and taking care of mother. She just had another baby. Today's his first outing.' Athena says pointing to her mother and the baby in her arms.

'Wow. That shows how long it's been since I've seen Aunt Hera. What's his name?'

'Oh it's Andon. He's beautiful. Well nice talking to you Kallie. I have to talk to Eros. We must meet up soon.' Athena says giving me a hug before she walks towards Eros.

I stood next to the table taking a final sip of my punch and making my way across the room to my parents, uncle Zeus and uncle Poseidon and new cousin. I was about ten metres away from them when my path was blocked. I knew exactly who it was.

'My beautiful Kallie. Oh how beautiful you look tonight. Your beauty increases each time I have the pleasure of seeing you. I have written you a song. Would you like to hear it? Yes? Oh maybe after. Ooooohh there's music. Let's dance!' Apollo rambles before yanking me onto the dance floor.

'Listen Apollo...' I begin while being jerked around the dance floor.

'Isn't it such a beautiful night?' Apollo says looking at me with goo goo eyes.

'We're inside? Anyway listen Apollo I've got to go' I say trying to get free from his grip.

'Why? Kallie. Stay' his grip tightened.

'But-' I begin.

'I said stay' Apollo says. His eyes are now dark with a dangerous glint.

'And she said she has to go.' A dark, deep voice said from behind me. 'So unhand this lady right now or I will be forced to tell her father the type of men that are being invited to his parties.

Apollo roughly releases my wrists. 'Just remember who your talking to Ares. I don't appreciate being talked to like that in front of my lady.'

'She's not your lady. Now leave her alone without making a scene' Ares responds and Apollo walks away. Ares looks to me. 'Are you okay?'

'I think so but my wrists hurt. Where did you come from?' I say as I hold my bruised wrists.

'I have been watching you all night. I'm your bodyguard remember and when you went on the dance floor I couldn't see you because of all the people dancing. That's why it took so long to get to you. I'm sorry'

'Ares it's fine. At least you got here. Now kind sir will you escort me to my parents?' I ask in a posh voice.

'I'd be delighted' Ares replies with a grin.

We approach my parents. They are still with my uncles and cousin. My mother looks at us with a questionable look but my father however does not look happy.

'Sweetie. What's going on?' He asks with a stern look.

'Ares just escorted me over here. No biggie. Now is this little handsome man Andon?' I ask making a baby face at the baby. He looked about 4 months.

'Sure is. He takes after his daddy' Uncle Zeus says with a cheeky grin. 'Want to hold him?'

'Absolutely!' I say as I take Andon into my arms. I make a baby voice. 'Well aren't you the cutest little baby. I bet you'll grow up big and strong like your daddy and nice and wise like your sister'

'Sweetheart, what's that on your wrists?' Mother asks with worry.

'Oh someone just gripped too tight dancing. That's all' I say as I avert my eyes and look back to the baby.

'Okay honey just let me know if someone hurt you intentionally okay. I don't like you hurt' My mother says softly not to alert my father.

'Don't worry mum I will' I say and I begin to blow raspberries on his belly as he laughs. I stop blowing them and giggle. He just keeps laughing and that's when I notice that Ares is standing really close to me pulling faces at him. I laugh and pull faces at the baby too. We are in our own little world, noticing nothing around us.

Persephone's POV

'They look like a little family!' I gush whilst my husband glares at me. Oh no he didn't like that.

'No they don't' He growls. Poseidon and Zeus laugh.

'Admit it Hades. They do look good together' Poseidon says as Zeus nods in agreement.

'Yeah they do. Have you had the sex talk yet' Zeus says laughing hard as he high fives Poseidon.

'No. She doesn't need it. My baby is just turning 20 soon. No boys or babies for that matter' Hades States firmly.

'Honey, you can't put off the inevitable. Just leave her be. Don't do anything!' I say to him whilst I lay my hands on his shoulder. Hades sighs and puts his arms around me.

'I can't promise that' He whispers.

'Try' I say after placing a kiss on his cheek.


Okay guys! It's been ages like so so long so I'm sorry but thanks if you waited 💗✨

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Love you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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