Chapter 1

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Aleena's P.O.V

I have been running for so long. i don't even have the slightest clue how far from home i am? Nor do I even know what lies ahead in my untold future. All i know is that no matter what i have to keep running or else he will win. i can still hear him in the back of my mind.

Aleena, just give up and i promise to take it easy on you? I mentally cringe at the thought of being his mate, or should i say slave, for the rest of my life. I remember the day he spoke those words to me. It was Cold and everything seemed to have died around me ever since my parents... tears began to push there way through my eyelids and i was lost in my sobs just from the simple thought of..... THEM.


I was just about to turn 17 when my parents were banished. A member of our pack has been starting up trouble and as alpha my father went to put him in his place. During my transformation celebration he barged in claiming me to be his 'true' mate since his real one was killed by hunters nearly two years ago.

Up until then he had always been a very loyal member of our pack. After her death he snapped and began acting up and being rude and disrespectful. One day he started a fight between our pack and one of the neighboring packs. For this my father had finally decided enough was enough and announce his banishment, but before my father could finish the ceremonial speech my father had been challenged for his title as Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack.

Sadly my father had lost with very serious injuries and as pack law follows he and his family get exiled from the pack. There was one problem with that though. The new Alpha was determined to make me his new Luna. Ugh the thought made my stomach knot and twist violently. After my rejection he forced me to stay by putting me under pack siege and surrounding my home with guards to keep me prisoner.

He would torcher me everyday until I would pass out and he even starved me for as long as four days. I was so week and hopeless I began to give up on ever escaping and just accept him as my mate. On the day that he said those horrid words to me i found slight hope in my seemingly never ending pit of darkness.

It has been two hours since he paid me a 'visit' so he is either dead or asleep. Oh how i'd hoped it was the first choice, but deciding not to risk it i told one of the guards that i had befriended to let me use the restroom.

Third Person P.O.V

He allowed it to go unsupervised and waited by the door for her to come back out. After a good twenty minutes or so he began to get suspicious. The guard had banged on the door and began ordering her to get out. She never came out. By the time he had realized it was too quiet for lack of receiving an answer he broke the door and barged in. Aleena was long gone and ever since that day she has been running away for fear that if she were to stop, he would catch her and claim her as his own.


Both Vixen (Aleena's wolf) and Aleena have been running for a couple of weeks and finally decided to stop and catch a breath. She found a place where they could rest and eat to their hearts content. The last time she got a break was around four weeks ago. They also haven't eaten much since then just a couple wild rabbits and some stolen food. Don't judge. A rogue gets no luxury.

Aleena didn't have much money left so she could only afford one night after paying the bill for the latest meal. Vixen was not to mad about it though all she cared about was a nice hot shower and a comfortable bed to rest her weary mind in. The shower felt like pure ecstasy and once she was all tidied up she sprung out over the bed and let darkness consume her as she dosed of to dream land.

When i awoke there was a new set of fresh clean cloths by the television with a note that read:

Dear resident of room 15, life may seem difficult and you are only a child, but nevertheless i have left these items of clothing for your comfort. Please take them as a gift from the hotel manager. She wishes her best regards to you and hopes you get to where ever it is you wanna go.

Huh, well that was nice of her oh and she even left me a hundred dollars. I think if i wasn't being chased by a sadistic, psychopath i wouldn't mind staying here for the rest of my life. Aleena sighed out, "oh well a girl can dream, can't she?" with that final word she began to get dressed and head out fairly well rested and prepared for the next challenge. On her way out she passed by the managers office and personally thanked her for her hospitality and asked her to keep her stay a secret no matter what or who came looking. She politely agreed without question and waved off Aleena with a small smile and and short goodbye.

Our beautiful lead made her way out of the small motel lobby and proceeded to going about her personal business as usual. First, she would run in all directions so as to confuse any nearby trackers. Next, she masked her scent. Last, but certainly not least she would she would plan out her route for the morning start to her new journey. The count is now only three days till her eighteenth birthday. In all honesty she cannot wait to find her mate and be done with this lunatic lifestyle. She takes a hidden trail in the woods to her next stop so as not to be found so easily on the side of the road by one of his trackers. Nearly an hour into her walk she begins to wonder, "where am I?" She spots a tree house and decides to climb up and get a point of venue for her lost self. As a werewolf normally you wouldn't care but seeing as she is a rogue she has to be cautious of her surroundings. Who knows what could be lurking around the next corner. being higher up and off the ground she can see how close or far she is to what ever lurks in the shadows.

Another hour has yet again flown by and she begins to hear rustling in the woods and voices coming closer. Not wanting to take any chances she masks her sent and hides in a big bush full of blueberries. The suspense is so evident around her its as if death is but a strand of hair from touching her soul. When the two men get close enough for her supernatural hearing to hone in she begins to recognize the two voices. Fear sets in and she turned so hard and cold you could mistake her for a garden statue. slowly but surely her suspicions get confirmed.

"Jason Dimitri, come in. Are you there?" It's his voice on what sounds like a walkie talkie.

"Yes Alpha, we're here finishing our search of sector 12 as we speak." I can hear them moving closer.

"Report back to camp Joseph and Anthony have found traces of her recent activity in a nearby tree house." Her skin paled at the though of how close they were to finding her. All of a sudden the images of him and her parents came flooding back. She gripped her hair and shook her head a the thought that all of her work would be for nothing. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She would die before they forced her back into the hellhole of a world.

"You got it. Do you want us to finish this area first or return immediately?" one of the men replied.

"Clear your area first then double back to us, got it?" his voice sounded tired but confident.

Both men replied simultaneously, "yes sir."

In a panicked state the only thought going through her mind was run and don't look back. That is exactly what she did. Without a second though she took a deep breath and shifted running at full force in the opposite direction of the voices. Knowing she had just made a huge mistake she couldn't take back she kept on running pushing her limit farther and faster than ever before. Before the men were out of earshot she heard one shout, "I heard something over there. Lets move it could be her."

I can't take it anymore. Why wont he give up? How far do i have to go? How long must i run for before he finally lets me go? My frantic overly paranoid mind wearily allows me to speak of the devil for a brief moment before i am forced to run again. I have crossed seven pack territories all undetected. I manage to sigh out a simple Thank You Luna at the mere thought of my unwavering luck. What can I do to end this nightmare?' She thought. Mentally she face palms thinking, why didn't I ask her sooner? 'Vixen come on i know you're tired but i need help.' I know she's tired because we share the same body and haven't rested well since the chase first began. We've stayed at motels but never for much longer than a day or two before heading out again to face the unknown challenges that await us. 'What is It?' her wolf groans out in shear annoyance and irritation from the over use of her wolf form. 'How can i end it all? What will make him stop chasing us?''Ugh your so DUMB! It's obvious we need to find our mate. We will be coming of age in a week. You will know when we find him. 'Uh.. Thanks I think?' Sounding truly nervous and unsure of what may come; she hopes that her luck will hold out. At least until then. Little did she know the unimaginable trials that lye ahead were soon to be the true tests of her 'luck'.

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