Chapter 8

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Damien carried Aleena to his room with gentleness so kind and caring one could almost say it was like he flew to the house and upstairs to his room. His big strong arms were almost transformed from lethal weapons to the most inviting bed in the universe in mere seconds. Aleena was in pain and the bond only allowed him to feel a fraction of a tenth of that pain. He wanted to murder Angel but it wasn't entirely his fault. 'How could he have known that this rogue was my mate?' Damien came to a complete stall in the hallway because his striking mate was whimpering from the pain and he couldn't offer her any form of relief. When she'd gotten slammed out she'd shifted from her wolf form and was completely nude. He'd been kind enough not to look and put his shirt on her it was like a dress on her. It burned him to the core knowing he could have looked and still could but being raised in a subservient manner he didn't. She turned cuddling up to his neck and wrapping her arms around him. It gave him a different burn to the core from before but he was able to control that problem and get her to the bed. Seeing her there so open and vulnerable made him ache for her more. He refrained from his emotional meltdown and summoned the pack doctor to check her.

Jasmine arrived and knocked on the alphas door. She was almost terrified. It would be her first time in his room. She'd never been summoned by him except for when Angel was shot by a hunter through his bedroom window. Just then the door opened and she was ushered in. her immediate reaction was to look for any wounds or abrasions on him but he held up a hand and explained that it was his mate that needed care. She nodded shyly and crept quietly to her side so as not to disturb the sleeping beauty. She looked in a word 'deceased' if it weren't for her heartbeat thudding faintly she could have sworn this girl was dead. Alpha I'm afraid I have to ask you to step outside. "What? Why in the hell would I do that?"

She looked away and explained. "Well I have to remove the item of clothing and I'm afraid you'd kill me for doing my job."

"Don't be ridiculous I'd never hurt you no matter what. You know that."

"Yes well I have to break some of her bones to speed up the process and from what I'd heard you nearly killed Angel for knocking her unconscious. So I ask again, will you please step outside?" He opened his mouth to speak but quickly realized she'd won the argument before it even started and only nodded. He turned and headed towards the door and only hesitated for a moment before opening the door and stepping out. When he closed the door he heard a sudden sound of fabric being torn apart and then it was quiet for a minute. Just as he turned to leave a nightmarish cry erupted from behind his bedroom door and his wolf fought him hard to go in there and kill Jasmine but Damien held off and left before he lost it too. It nearly shattered him to walk away while listening to the aching filled exclamations from his mate.

He'd made it half-way down the hall and only stopped because he'd caught sight of Angel strolling apprehensively down the hall with Harold on his tail. Without a second thought he lunged at Angel and shouted that it was his entire fault. Before he could lay a hand on him Harold had him pinned to the ground and began to snarl and snap at him. Angel burst in and begged his mate to stop and for his alpha to listen. It took a while but they soon both calmed down and made their way to the kitchen for a drink. After nearly ten minutes of drinking scotch a deathly silence and awkward throaty noises Angel finally kneeled at Damien's feet in tears begging for forgiveness. "Alpha please forgive me! I didn't know that she was... I swear I lost control of Michael her heated scent was too strong for him, but I tried to regain control I swear I did. Please don't exile me. We've been best friends for ever I can't leave knowing you ended it over my mistake. Please I am begging for your forgiveness!" He shook his head and looked directly into the eyes of not Damien but his wolf.

"You injured my mate how could I forgive that. Yes we have been friends but she is in anguish for your mistake Michael. Angel listen to me you are forgiven, but Michael unfortunately is not and since you are one in the same person I cannot allow you to stay you must go. I am truly sorry. Know that you are not being exiled but I am revoking your title as Beta and leave you to be nothing but an Omega. I wish you luck in with your mate and new pack but as I have said before you must leave." He only stood and gave the dismissive salute one last time and turned away. Angel began to pack and Harold was at his side cooing and carefully trying to comfort his depressed mate. It was nice but losing a friend like that could only be partially healed over time and patience. In the end all that would be left is a scar of the worst kind. Emotionally it would fester and damage the victim at first, but it had to be done to begin the healing process.

Damien cried in a longing tone for his friends comfort that he couldn't have. He was caught completely off-guard when Jasmine announced to him that she was done and he could see her now. "Alpha please be aware that she is in extreme heat and I know it will be difficult, but you have to restrain yourself from any contact for at least two months. She was far more damaged than I first thought. Except for the four cracked ribs and a broken arm she is almost fine." He cocked his head to one side in confusion. "She has been pushing her body to beyond her limits and she is also malnourished. It seems that she could slip into a coma. I have her on I.V medication replenishing her fluids. She'll be fine if she wakes up within the week. Until then I recommend that you pray or at least subjugate your mind. It could be a long shot but I'm Eighty-seven percent sure she will recuperate." Damien stood and hugged the doctor as professional as she was she just hugged him back and wished her luck. He thanked her and headed off to his quarters and prepared himself for the worst.

When he reached the door he sucked in a deep breath and opened the door. He slowly turned to see her sleeping figure as still as if death had come to claim her only moments ago. If it were not for her breathing he would have panicked. She lay still on his bed as he cautiously approached her and sat in a chair at her side. For hours he sat quietly and only moved to get himself a small blanket from the closet. When he sat down again a ray of moon light broke through the curtains and lit her hair and face up in perfect divergence. He marveled at the sight and although her scent was strong he only ever thought of one thing. 'What is this beautiful angels name?' the whole night he went on through all the names that he thought were worthy of a perfect dessert flower. She smelled of the sweetest Oregold Roses and the richest most tongue tantalizing blend of pineapple and grapefruit. Damien had a sudden urge to brush the loose stand of hair from the masterpiece before him and taste her lips. He found himself starving for her and never wanting to let her out of his sight. This one being was all he had ever wanted and for once just once he wondered why does he get one so perfect and she gets stuck with one man so.. So... Ugh why does she get bonded with me? She deserves better. 'Oh dear goddess that watches and guides us, why have you done this? What has she done to justify a punishment as bad as loving me? How have I been so worthy as to be blessed with this radiant angel even as wounded as she is now I find her magnificence unsurpassed. She is a woman of angelic nature and I am nothing but a monster. Although you have sanctified me with her I cannot help but be repulsed by you for burdening her with me.' Damien was in an indisputable war with himself. It seems he has taken into relation that the pain she has endured recently is in a way his fault.

-.- damn wattpad i work hard on these chapters and it looks longer when i am forced to write it down on word but then wattpad is just like nah imma troll this human.

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