Chapter 6

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Well Damien left angel in charge for a week and he decided to take Carson for a first one-on-one lesson in battle tactics and defense moves.

It had been four hours since the alpha left and Angel had been all clean, made his way to get Carson, and begun the lesson. "Damn it! Can't you give me a break?!" Carson was dripping in sweat and had been getting his ass handed to him for the past three and a half hours.

"Do you expect 'a break' from your attacker?" Carson shook his head in surrender. "That's what I thought. Now come on let's try it again shift." The boy took his wild form. "Remember in a battle you can never lose track of your surroundings. Focus on the bell but also focus on me. Nod if you understand." Blake, who is Carson's wolf, nodded; "okay let's begin." Carson stood tall and as still as the trees that surrounded him. In the back of his mind he knew that behind the trees was Angel. It was eerily quiet for five minutes and he turned away to take a quick look around. "I told you to focus on the bell and keep track of your surroundings." He whimpered loudly and silently pleaded to Angel with his big Wolf eyes. "No, no that won't work come on to the clearing." He shifted and led Blake to the practice area. Angel took a position on one side of the field in his battle stance. Carson did the same and then they began sprinting to each other, teeth bared, and claws extended. Using a mind link Michael ordered Blake to jump and try an air defense move.

Carson had jumped and only tried not to fail or they would keep doing the stupid bell thing. Blake only focused on the task at hand he chose a twist and spin move to get the advantage over Michael. He hated Michael. The beta's wolf was unmerciful he really didn't hold anything back. When Michael jumped for the hind legs Blake twisted and spun forcing all his weight on Michael's back and bit down on his neck. Michael whimpered as a sign that Blake had finally won after Four hours of grueling lessons with the chief warrior. The relief instantly showed on the young pups face he howled in victory and barked with excitement. He bowed down to the beta and challenged him to a race. They chose the destination through a quick mind link conversation.

"Okay you won! Congratulations."

"Let's race!"

"You're kidding right?"

"No let's race to the Jersey fall Cliff."

"Why there?"

"I liked going there with my dad when I won at something against him. Now I won against you so let's go! Unless you're afraid of losing...?"

"Fine then but don't cry about 'how I cheated' or 'that you let me win' okay?"

"Okay. Ready.... Set... Go!"

The two were off in a mad dash to the finish it was neck and neck until Michael shot ahead letting the competitive side of him take over. Carson was left in the dust with shredded hopes of winning written all over his face. Michael took so much pleasure in this that he took a victory lap around the small pond at the bottom of the fall. Carson arrived panting and took a drink before giving him a mean look.

"Don't give me that look. You wanted a race and it wasn't fair of me to give you false hope."

"Yeah but now I wanna go back."

"What why?"

"This was a victory treat for me but I freaking lost again and I just don't wanna swim besides my wounds burn."

"Here let me take care of those my saliva heals cuts faster than yours." .licking wounds... "Besides you did win. You escaped my attack and got the upper hand over me."

"Yeah well it's getting late anyway. My mom is probably worried so I have to go anyway so thanks for the lesson sir."

"No problem and don't mentio..." Sniffing the air... "Carson go home and put the Guards on high alert everyone is on lock down understand?" ... "ANSWER ME!"

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