Chapter 5

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Aleena woke up this morning wanting to celebrate her eighteenth birthday with friends and family, open presents, have a fun party, and find her mate. She was hoping it was all a nightmare and she was in her bed at home while her dad read the newspaper and her mom made her her special birthday breakfast. Alas that could never be because when she woke up this morning in the cave reality decided to crash the party. She sat up next to the waterfall and cried at the thought of how her birthday should be going. It was a hard truth and She had to face it head on for the rest of her life the only things she could hope for was escaping Marcus, finding her parents, and finding her mate. Wherever he is I hope he's worth it.

That same morning Damien awoke to a sleeping Angel cuddling up to him under a heavy blanket. Damien began remembering the occurrences of the night before he smiled to him-self and slowly unwrapped Angel's arms and began to get up. He was looking for some clothes to wear since they lost theirs in the shift racing here. He grabbed some shorts, an old shirt of his that Angel never gave back and a pair of spare shoes he keeps there. While he was getting dressed Angel had gotten up and snuck up behind his very dominant alpha and wrapped his arms around him. "Where do you think you're going?"

He just let out a pleasant sigh and told him of a business trip he had to take in four hours. "I got to go home and pack. You never know I might find my mate on this one." His grip tightened and in a flash the big bad alpha was pinned to the bed.

"Now why would you want to do that when I'm right here? Hmm?" Damien tried to sound firm under Angel when he said he had to go, but the beta knew every single one of his weaknesses all too well. He kissed a trail from jaw to neck and down the chest and back up "Why don't you stick around for a little longer you can take some of my clothes they fit you better than yours do anyway?" Damien's voice was anything but convincing when he refused the idea so Angel used this as an opportunity to kiss him hard and send him off with a good memory. "Well"...Kiss..."if you really"...Kiss..."want to leave"...Kiss..."I should let you go"... longer French kiss. Angel started to get up and Damien did to. Damien cleared his throat and violently tossed Angel onto the bed.

"I hate it when you do that." He just growled low and huskily. "You know I'm always the Dom."

"Yes alpha." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around Damien's neck and played a little more. By the time they were all tired and were sure they couldn't continue they'd already gone through six rounds in the room and two more in the shower. It had been an amazing send off. "Great thanks to me you only have half an hour to pack."

"Aww shit. Really?" He looked at the digital clock and groaned in annoyance.

Angel was pouting and decided to ask a dangerous question. "Are you mad at me?"

He let out a long sigh and turned to face his worry-faced lover. "HmHmHm. No I'm not mad at you but get up you have to help me pack. I'm gonna get dressed just toss some clothes in a case and don't forget me phone charger, razor, and wallet."

Angel got up and did as instructed just like a good Beta should. Damien put on some jeans and a tight black shirt. He felt some boots were appropriate for the outfit so he wore Angel's favorite pair of workmen's. It was comfortable enough for the flight to California. Its early Fall anyways so it's appropriate.

The elders that were heading up the meeting were from every country. They watched all pack activity for their country and once every year they called all the alphas together to one spot to discuss any kind of business that catches their attention. If they do not like how a pack is being run by its alpha they will give you a year to change your ways or it gets disbanded. They will have to fend for themselves or restart the pack if one member so chooses to take control. Damien had fifteen minutes to get to the airport and when he came out of the bathroom Angel clicked and whistled at me and tossed him the keys to his new Lamborghini. "Just don't scratch him he's new and treat him nicely please don't burn out the motor."

"Alright you have my word. Scouts honor. Thanks for packing I should be back in a week or so take care of everything for me and don't forget about that rogue. Okay?"

"Absolutely. I'll keep things in order for you." He winked at Angel and waved goodbye to him.

The drive was great and Angel took some of the Stress off Damien's shoulders. On the way to the airport the Lamborghini was like being in wolf form. It was so free and fast it made him think of getting one and when he turned on the radio 'Raised by Wolves by U2' was playing the whole way there. "Man this car was so fast I almost missed part of the ending. It was a great song I'll have to download it on the plane ride over." He was working on that plan as he gave the parking attendant the keys and took the ticket for it.

Just as he thought the whole building smelled of Alpha wolves. It was gonna be quite a gathering this year. Damien and the rest of the alphas were put in first class flights to California. It was customary that they all get treated well when a mandatory meeting was called so the elders who managed the hidden funds paid for everything. When he checked his mobile travel account the elders had put the usual Five-hundred thousand dollars in his account for the extra expenses that may come up. They really do think of everything and know how to manage funds.

The plane ride was interesting Damien had a nice conversation about his and the other alphas packs and how they were being run with two other Alphas that sat on either side of me. They had interesting points and Damien pondered using some to improve his pack security and living conditions. He decided to use them after all since it would progress the pack further into modern lifestyles.

After all was said and done between the three men they exchanged numbers to keep in touch and went on about their business. The one on Damien's left side goes by Charlie and he started watching a movie. The other man on Damien's right side goes by Troy and he read a book by 'Danielle Steele' it was titled 'Accident'. It sounded interesting he would have to try and read it in his spare time.

       Although he could have read it on one of the rented kindles available for passengers he decided to get some rest he was still tired from his earlier episodes with Angel. He always had trouble sleeping on planes so he called the stewardess and asked for a sleeping pill and a glass of scotch. She was gone and back with first class timing. He gladly took the pill downed the scotch and dozed off. It was Troy that woke him up when they landed because Charlie had fallen asleep during his movie. "Thanks Troy don't worry I'll wake up Charlie." Troy nodded and gave a curt smile in response. I woke Charlie up and he groaned that he never can finish watching that movie before falling asleep. Damien laughed at that and got up to stretch before going to get his carry-on from the one of the overhead bins.

It was a long ride to the Royal Hampton in San Diego. There was a town car waiting at the gates and the driver had Mr. Heretic written on a sign in his hand. I walked out to him and he led me to the car. The night life in San Diego that night was as lively as ever. When they finally arrived Damien tipped the driver and the bell hops came to take his bags when he checked in. They gave him a room on the fifteenth floor. The view was nice the mini bar was full and it had flat screens in every part of the room. The kitchen was freshly stocked. When the bell boys arrived he tipped them handsomely and they thanked him.

Damien took a quick tour of the hotel and returned to the room to get some rest he'll need it for tomorrow's first day rush. You have a full day to find your seat and get use to the schedule that will be used all week. It was gonna be a fun week for him. Being all cooped up with the Alpha females and males that all want to be better than each other is always something he looks forward to they all act so funny around each other and not funny ha-ha funny weird. "Well better get to bed I'll just shower tomorrow morning and get some breakfast on the way to the meeting. I'll just ask for a wake-up call real early all week. Maybe that will give me time to work out in the hotel gym and I can swim laps when I get back from the meetings." He talks to him-self a lot and this turned into a long chat. Before going to sleep he dialed for the front desk and scheduled his wake-up calls for six-thirty in the morning for the whole week. After the short chat between the Clerk at the front desk he drifted off into a well needed deep sleep. As the world faded into the darkness he wondered what was going on at home but shrugged it off and gave into the fatigue that consumed him.

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