Chapter 3

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I have been running for nearly two days straight and lost focus of where I was going from the fatigue. I almost entered the Heretic Packs territory. That would have been a mistake but at least I lost my pursuers there. Everyone knows of the alphas hate for rogues. It makes sense to hide in the last place anyone would look for me. It's smart but for fear of being found by either I'll stay on neutral ground. I had to mask my scent four different times and that gets exhausting. I finally found a quiet place to rest and while it may not be comfortable it's safe; for now at least.

I think its damn near one in the morning but the moon shone so beautifully and bright I spotted a cave behind a waterfall. The cliff above is not too high so the rushing water should hide me well enough to get some sleep. I hope it does i am at the edge of my rope and really need a break. I believe there is a small hole in the back just big enough to make my escape if it's needed. Maybe I should go and check it out just in case. After some thought; I decided against it and get as much rest as possible. For now I'm just pray that Nyx will watch over me tonight while I slumber.

Meanwhile at the same time not too far away Aleena's crazed, psychotic pack leader is in a rage.

He shouts at the top of his lungs and punches Anthony for losing the trail. "How could you lose her?" Marcus is furious and he needs an outlet so this is what it has come down to. "Are you doing this on purpose? Do you want me to kill you? Is that it?" the others are crouching and bowing in fear around their alpha.

Anthony bows bloodied and bruised and begs for mercy in a man that knows not the meaning of the word. "P-p-plea-please Alpha" he coughed out some blood and continued, "we didn't mean to anger you. We lost her trail near the Heretic Pack terri..." He was gasping for air. Marcus cut off his explanation with a hand on his throat. Anthony is the beta of the pack. No one stands to him except the alpha. Marcus is built like a monster. At six-foot three he stands taller than everyone. He is addicted to his body and pushing to its' limits and beyond. He has been fighting for more territory and more followers to find what he believes to be his mate.

A fire rose in Marcus' eyes when he spoke. "Let this be a lesson to all of you no one will stand between my mate and i! Understand? Anyone who tries will fall." He dropped Anthony and ordered him to explain his failure. "Tell me now what caused you to fail me and if it's good maybe I'll spare your life."

Anthony took deep breath in a minor attempt to fill his lungs again before speaking. "We we're searching sector twelve when we I heard a rustling noise in the distance." Panting heavily. "I shouted at Joseph to follow me and we picked up her scent it was still fresh so we chased her. I could hear her ahead of us but she made a quick move and entered the Heretic Territory. We tried to find her again but we couldn't do it without entering there ourselves. It would have been suicide. They have an unholy hate for rogues and trespassers. We figured she... um... well that she would realize her mistake and run back to us in a desperate attempt to save her life. I think she turned and exited near the river but we couldn't be sure. If you hadn't of killed Joseph in your rage he could confirm all of this. Please Alpha I beg you spare my life I'm telling you the truth!"

Marcus gave a sadistic laugh and crouched to eye level with Anthony and spoke gently. "Oh well. Anthony you're a good beta and very loyal." To this he looked relieved but that was short lived. "But you have failed me and I have no further use for you." Within the blink of an eye he shifted and ripped out Anthony's neck. The body trembled and he shifted again with a pleased look on his face. "Erick You is my new beta do not fail me understand?"

Erick was the delta and stood quivering in fear as he answered, "Yes of course Alpha."

"Good. Now all of you spread out and search for her." They saluted in confirmation shifted and ran happy to leave the gruesome scene left behind.

Marcus was displeased to say the least as he walked to his temporary home in a nearby area. He was miles from home in an abandoned territory. It pleased him to know that the previous pack deserted the area in attempt to escape all the pain and suffering he brought with him. He began to ponder the idea of 'his Lunas' capture by the Heretic Pack. He merely laughed at the idea of this ever happening. 'She could never get caught by those measly mutts she's too clever for that. After all she has been eluding us for the past year I have to mark her before she turns of age."

With only one day and five hours left till her birthday he is getting more and more feral. The idea of her finding her mate is deathly to him. His pack needs a Luna and in his eye she is perfect for the position. Since losing his own true mate he has thought of no one else. She is the perfect mate and to him the one before was nothing but a mistake. He truly believes that Nyx made a mistake and never really had a mate until now. All he has to do is find her.

"Oh my sweet little Aleena, why have you been avoiding me? I wish you could see how perfect we are for each other. Even if you do find your mate it will all have been for nothing. Can't you see that in finding him you'll be leading me to my next victim?" He stood in the living room of a small abandoned home holding a picture of her in the moonlight. He smiled at the thought of his future children running around the yard while they sat in the sunlight together. He was truly an evil, disgusting, twisted man. He often thought about the night before when he stood over her sleeping figure and forced himself to wait until she was ready. It was a nice thought but the night after he did the same but when she awoke this time he sat at her side and whispered, "Soon sweat heart. It won't be long now."

She cringed at the words when she realized who was speaking and what he had said. "Get away from me you Bastard!" she began to struggle against his grip on her. He held her small wrists with one hand and let the other hand wander. She began to realize what he was really doing and begged him to stop with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Please Marcus! Don't do this. You use to be a good man but you have to open your eyes. Stop please." He grimaced at the request and did ask she asked.

He let out a heavy sigh; "Listen to me Aleena you will be mine eventually, so why do you fight what we have?"

"Marcus Please let me go we don't have anything between us. I'm sorry you lost your mate but please..."

He rose immediately and swept a lamp off her bedside table and shouted at her. "That was a mistake! Nyx made a mistake we belong together. Don't you see that?" he sounded desperate but she looked him dead in the eyes and spat at him.

"I will never belong to you! Never! And for as long as I live I will fight you!"

He howled in frustration at the memory as those last words rang over and over again through his mind. "Oh but you will belong to be, even if I have to force my mark on you! You will belong to me." He shouted aloud, "Aleena where are you?!" he broke multiple things in the small home including some divider walls. His rage could never be controlled. It was like it had a mind of its own. All of a sudden the song titled 'Redneck Crazy by Tyler Farr' popped into his head and he laughed at the moronic thought. It had calmed him down. By four in the morning he left full control of the search to Erick and fell onto his bed with a grunt and dozed off into a peacefully deep slumber. He dreamt of her and him together. The rest of the night went without a hitch and all the other wolves were off in search of their future Luna. Most of the night they all prayed for Erick and that he wouldn't end up like Anthony. His little brother was in the front and cough a mouthed 'Take care bro' before Anthony got murdered. His was a rage blackened further by the fact that he could not leave the pack for fear of being found and killed. He cried into the night near the end of a small section assigned to him for the last search of the night. It was a madness that clouded his mind and blocked his senses from picking up Aleena's scent nearby.

Authors Note: sorry it was kind of rushed but I promise not to neglect you guys anymore. Like/Comment it gets me off haha jk. But seriously at least one comment pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssaa!!!!!!

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