Chapter 7

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Angel was in a frenzy he'd let the girl shower and get clothes before getting ripped apart but she'd have to shift into her human form and she refused. He tried forcing her but she just smirked at his feeble attempt at asserting dominance but failed miserably. He couldn't force her to shift because she was an alpha and even as a rogue she was stronger than he. Instead of trying again he just moved on and asked her for her name. She refused to give him that too. She was stubborn and strong but hey that's what kept her going this whole time. It had been at least a week since her birthday it was hard to tell from her windowless cell of the time that had past let alone keep track of the days.

Aleena was deeply terrified she'd heard of what they did to rogues that even came near the territory let alone came in uninvited and she'd done that not once but twice and for a few days. As if adding another blow to fresh wounds her 'heat' grew more unbearable the longer she stayed here. There was a scent that was delicious yet venomous but she could not really pin-point it for how faded the scent had been since her arrival. She dreaded the days alone in the darkness with nothing but thoughts and memories to keep her mind occupied.

Although the idea of imminent death was in constant replay throughout the days alone she remained strong, sane, and hopeful. The one idea that gave her that shred of hope was believing the alpha would be merciful and spare her life. She truly believed that the reason for her mistake was worthy of forgiveness. As she ran the idea of begging for mercy through her mind again the Beta had been talking to her and she'd completely ignored him. She tilted her big wolf head in curiosity and barked lightly. He'd looked at her with a fire behind those eyes as if he'd been waging a war with him-self and could no longer control it. She feared what lay ahead when he called to the guard for the cell keys and began to open the door slowly as if he was doing it to let reality hit her of what had been about to happen.

Angel fought his animal instincts and urged Michael to stay down and help him fight the urge to touch the female but he'd barely won a week ago to keep Michael from delivering a killing blow to her and save it for the alpha. Her scent was so strong he usually only came in for mere minutes but this time he stayed longer and began to lose control.

Damien welcomed his guest into the pack house and offered Harold a guest room fit for an elder. He offered a tour and told him that his beta and delta were directly next door and he lived in the last room a couple feet away. He greatly appreciated the offer and respectfully accepted. Damien had introduced Harold to David the Delta and asked if he'd known where Angel was.

"No alpha. Forgive me but I don't know where Angel is currently. The last thing I heard was when Joe reported seeing him head to the 'kennel'. I think he was checking on your surprise." David gave a slight cynical chuckle and then headed off about his business.

'I wonder what my surprise is. David mentioned the Kennel I wonder what they caught for me. It wasn't my birthday and yet I have a gift waiting, hmm.' "Are you alright? I asked you a question and you just ignored me. I don't like that Damien, loss of focus can end anyone especially us."

"Hu- Oh yeah sorry Harold it's just I was wondering what my surprise is. My birthday isn't for another five months and usually random surprise don't happen too often." Damien gave a slightly crooked smile and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah I know I lost focus but that only happens when something is up around the territory. Sorry again I mean no disrespect to a fellow alpha." Harold began to chuckle at Damien he sounded like a child that just got scolded at school. Harold just patted Damien on the back and said it was alright. "Well we should be off my apology gift just gets better than words, Come on let's get going." Harold looked uneasy and suspicious of Damien but nodded and began walking towards the 'kennel'.

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