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Heeseung was already on the balcony when you reached there. He seemed to have been set aglow by the soft moonlight and was leaning casually against the bone-pale railing, staring up at the stars. He'd stripped off his overcoat and the diaphanous material of his shirt was fluttering in a gentle breeze. You could see the faint tones of his skin and the outline of his torso through it.

"Your Highness?" You said cautiously. Heeseung turned his head and smiled gently, the moon like a halo behind his head. You frowned. It was always that. You frowning, him smiling.

"You know, I never thought I would see you again."

"Not my fault." You muttered.

"Not my fault either." Heeseung countered. He turned around and leaned back against the balcony railing, arms crossed over his chest. You crossed your arms as well and squeezed gently. You wished you could press into your ribs and break right through- both for the glee of it and to dampen the jumping of your heart. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Heeseung smiled. "First, why are you here? Second..." He looked sideways, pondering. You fixed your gaze on his fingers tapping at the slim balcony railing then shifted back to his face. You narrowed your eyes. "Second?"

Heeseung sighed and his fingers stilled in their anxious movements. "I never...thanked you. For saving my life."

You grinned obnoxiously, tapping a heeled foot sharply against the bone-pale balcony, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Could you repeat that?" You tugged at your hair. Heeseung rolled his eyes and his lips twitched. "I know you heard me."

You resisted a mocking sneer, knowing very well that he was thinking you a pretentious bitch- especially considering the differences in your rankings. You didn't care. He wouldn't hurt you if he wanted to.

Your dress fluttered around your ankles. "Did I, though?"

"Yes." Heeseung smiled languidly. Asshole. You frowned but he continued peacefully. "And my first question?"

You shrugged and lied easily, "I was passing through and free food is free food." It wasn't a complete lie after all. You chewed on your bottom lip. A breeze caused Heeseung's shirt to flap across his chest and twist around his waist. His eyes glittered darkly as he watched you with what appeared to be expectancy. You fisted the blue material of your dress then let out a low breath and let it go. What were you getting so worked up over? You pursed your lips,  "That's it?"

Heeseung's eyes widened just barely as if he wasn't expecting the question and he fidgeted as he smoothed down the front of his shirt, staring at his shoes. "No. I...Actually-" His gaze snapped up. It was obvious that he was changing his original statement and you couldn't help being curious of what it may have been. Heeseung smiled faintly. "I want to know the real reason you're here."

You scoffed then approached the balcony railing and leaned against it, staring out at the dark castle gardens. The gust of air that swept through the night tangled your hair and sent soft strands of it at your lips. You brushed it away and glanced sideways at Heeseung to find that he was bearing the wind in a rather more majestic way than you. "I..." Your thoughts twisted and rushed in your head as you attempted to form a viable excuse. "I wanted to...get close to you...again." You grimaced and clutched your fingers around the railing's edge until your knuckles paled.

"Close to me." Heeseung mumbled. He had turned his body slightly to watch you, one elbow resting against the railing. "Do you-"

"I feel nothing for you in that way, Your Highness. But it is undoubted that I wish to be near you again." You were staring at the garden again, but his bright brown eyes continued to be imprinted into your mind. You frowned at what seemed to be a big pink peony bush in the distance.

"As I to you." Heeseung shrugged. During this conversation with the prince, lies had been spilling so easily past your ruddy lips that it disturbed you. You swallowed thickly. "Yes..."

"In that case, I have a proposition."

"A proposition." You turned your head and took an unconscious step forward in Heeseung's direction. You felt your heart stutter when one of his hands met your arm warmly. He nodded. "Look, and hear me out, I need new people working with me and you want to be near me for whatever reason. I'll pay you, so-"

"I'll do it." You shrugged and felt his hand brush against your hip. Your mind was strangely foggy. That look in his eyes...you couldn't focus. "Wha-what do you need me fo-" Your heart jumped up into your throat at the flutter of his hand near your thigh. You heard something scraping like metal against leather, swallowed a shriek, and hopped back. Raising a kicking foot high, you faltered halfway and steadied yourself onto both feet- you couldn't kick the crown prince of Hyphen in the head. That would be stupid. Even so, you stared in disbelief at your dagger clutched in his slim fingers. His crown glinted in the pale moonlight. You slid one hand down through the side slit of your dress and touched the empty thigh sheath. "I..."

"Why do you have this?"

"Safe...ty." You mumbled. "For safety."

Heeseung smiled gently. "Its okay, you don't need to lie. I know what you are."

"What am I then?" You hissed.

"A killer." He threw the dagger down. You winced at the clatter and clang of it on the expensive marble floor. "But clearly that wasn't intended for me. I would be on the ground bleeding out if it were, and you would be miles away."

You stared at him, quietly stunned. You may have done questionable things in your time but you were no killer. You were no killer. The night breeze gusted your face, chilling your hot cheeks and sinking deep into your bones.

"Don't worry. I won't give you away." Heeseung kicked the dagger back in your direction. You glanced at the gleaming metal for barely a second before looking back up at his face. "And?" You made many failed attempts in your head to formulate what he may want from you. Mostly, you were upset that you'd let yourself close enough to him and let yourself get off-guard enough that he could snatch your dagger.

Heeseung stuck his hands into his pockets and leaned a hip against the balcony railing. He smiled casually. "I want you to protect me."

You weren't expecting that.

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