pt3.2 eden

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Baileys pov

"Are you sure?"

She nods her head at me while madi also says, "u still got that sarcastic smile we have grown to love?"

Madi, let's out a small laugh, and I turn to punch her, but I miss as she stood on my left side, and I couldn't quite see her properly.

"Give me a week to get used to it, and I'll be able to take you down in seconds,"

As the rest of the day goes on, clarke has fed us, and now we sit at camp. Listen to one of the many stories of the 100 and how they made it on earth.

A few weeks late after Bailey woke up

It's not been too bad. My face has healed but under the scars that where there are now long-term scaring covering my left side. Madi and clarke have been with me the while time showing nother but of how proud there are off me witch I am very grateful for as iv been in distress for the last week clarke has for now finally given up on the English lessons as I'm way to exited to just sit down and learn after being on bed rest for what seems like forever.

Clarke said I might have something called add or adhd as I show alot of similar traits as someone with this but I'm not bothered as I know I'm the funniest here and keep our home alive with my energy burst.

Clarke has been trying to reach Bellamy every day and I still feel so bad for her madi sometimes joins her but I like to sit back and listen eventho I don't knkw what she is saying on time she let me try tho which was cool but I soon got bored and ran off to play football. I hope they come down soon. I can tell clarke needs them.

1 year later..... 6 years after the end of the world again

Clarkes pov

As madi grabs my rifle, Bailey makes his way to beside me.

"Bailey, back up the rover madi, get inside, and load the guns."

"All of them?"

"All of them," I reply

I look through the scope and see it says prisoner transport on the side. Madi and Bailey run off to do as I just told them. The ship starts to land.

We all jump in the rover I'm driving while madi is next to me, and Bailey is in the back.

"Who are they?why are you so scared?" Madi asks me

"I will not let anything happen to the two off you,"

I look back to see Bailey confused. "I will protect you both,"

"Do you both understand?

"Maybe there Friendly"
Madi says

"Maybe", I answer

"Untill iv figure this out I want you and Bailey to hide in your secret spot"

"No clarke" she yells at me

I understand she doesn't want to leave but iv got to keep them both safe

Alive: the 100 Madi GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now