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My heart squeezed at what he said. A broken man. My mind flashed to Becks and what she said about him doing the fights to help him pay for college and other expenses. 'The orphaned football player' is what she called him. So both parents are gone?

Instead of bringing up such heavy topics, I decided to change the subject so the sadness in his eyes would disappear. "The guy I'm dating is the one your fighting in the next few weeks."

............I panicked.

Out of all the things I could've said, that was the one that came to mind. A look of surprised flashed across his face but quickly disappeared after a moment. A small smile came across his lips.

"Your dating Tate?" He asked.

I nodded.

"You know him?" I asked. And Nando quickly shook his head no.

"I've only watched him fight or spar, but I've never had the pleasure to be introduced. But I've heard enough about him." He said.

"Yeah. What've you heard?" I asked.

"He's a bit of a ladies man, but from what I've seen, he seems to have settled down a bit. And now I know why." He said with a smirk and I couldn't help but smile back.

"So how'd you find out about me fighting?" He asked.

"Becks. She trains with the boys sometimes. Before she transitioned she was his coach. Recently she wanted to help him out again so she's been going to some of his sessions to help out." I said.

A small sad appreciative smile graced his lips, and I gave him a questioning look. "What?" I asked

"Thank you." He asked.

My confusion must've been clear on my face, because he soon began to explain. "Thank you for not prying more. I'm pretty sure you know more than your letting on. Some people don't get that most people don't like to unload there shit on to strangers."

I nodded and gave him a lag on the back. "I get it. I got my own baggage that I carry. And I don't want just anyone going through it. Go through it when your ready, not when someone else is....." I trailed of as the idea rang through my head.

And excited squeal left my head. And I turned to him and beamed. "What just happened?" He asked with a grimaced. Oops. I did just scream in his face.

"Sorry. But i finally know what I am doing for my art piece!" I picked up my pencil and began to draw an old decrepit suitcase stuffed with IVs, medical poles, and medical papers nearly falling out of it, and then another one next to it with it open with a pile of the same things that spill on to the floor. Then there's a third bag. It's small and it has a lock on it and the only one who has a key is me.

I don't know how long I was there. I had forgotten about everything around me. I didnt even noticed when Nando left, or when the class dismissed. I was lost in the drawing. Every curve, every line, I felt like I gave piece of myself to it. I couldn't help the proud smile that plastered on my face as I drew.

"Wow. It looks lovely."

I jumped a little and turned toward my beloved Becks and of course she had Mike with her. She stood directly behind me while Mike stood at my side and the began to examine my sketch.

"Everyone's got baggage.....clever." Said Mike. My proud smile widened. I probably look like a maniac.

"I like it. Are gonna paint it?" She asked. And I shook my head no.

"I think I'm gonna sculpt it." I said.

"You? Sculpting? Have you ever done that? That takes a lot of heavy duty shit." Mike said doubtfully.

"Yeah babe. Not to be a buzzkill. But your supposed to be laying off the strenuous work." Becks said.

I shrugged my shoulders at them. "I'll just need someone to help me. I'm in a class full of art majors and all my firmness adore me. Somebody will offer to help. But for now let me just bask in my glory." I said refusing to let them dim my moment. I'm actually very proud of this idea and no one will take that away from me. I need to thank Nando for helping me out with this.

I finally pulled my eyes from my canvas and turned toward Becks. "Anyway, what are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Here to take you home." Mike said.

I looked at him lost. "Home?"

"Yes. Home. Babe, it's five in the after noon." Said Becks.

My eyes widened. "What!?" I yelped in shock. I knew i zoned out but I didn't know it was for that long. I had been out for hours. I immediately checked my phone.

2 missed calls from my dad along.
A missed call from an unknown caller.
A missed call from Tate.
4 voicemails.
And few text messages from Tate and Becks.

"Ooops. Sorry." I said. And Becks chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "Your dad told us not to worry. He said that your were probably somewhere lost in sketchbook somewhere." She said.

I began to look through my messages.

3hrs ago....
Tate: little owl, whatever it is your doing, please stop and call your dad back

2hrs ago....
Tate: sheesh. Loni answer someone please

An hour ago.....
Tate: Meloni.....

I went to my inbox and listened to the voicemail he left me.

"Meloni. If you don't answer this phone....." he began to trail off for a second. His voice was tense and something seemed off. "Your dad said he tried to call you. He seemed worried. Just call me him when you get the chance."

I immediately went to the voicemails my dad left. And began to play them.

The first one....

"Hey Nemo. I know this is gonna sound weird but today I need you to come straight home today. I'll explain everything once you get home. And if any I know callers call you, don't pick it up. I'll explain everything soon." His voice was tight and filled with worry.

What the hell was going on?

I looked back at Beck and she had the same look on her face. Confusion and worry. Before I knew it her and Mike were packing up my shit and taking me to the car. Mike grabbed my arm and began to pull me along while Becks stayed at my back. They were in fight mode. There faces were focused and grim and it made me nervous.

I was too scared to say anything. My dad never sounded to uneasy before and it made everyone uncomfortable. It looked like Mike was on the phone with some one, probably my dad or Tate.

I looked down at my phone and realized there was another voicemail from my dad. As we walked I played that one as well.

And I had wished I didn't.

"Ok I don't want you to be shocked when you get home, okay? And I didn't want to do this now, but she doesn't want to listen. Your mom is here. She probably already called you. Just come home. I'll be there. You won't have to deal with this alone. I promise."

And at that moment.........


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