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"So when is your surgery?" I asked Becks as we began to drive off.

"A week. I'm going to go a size up. Finally." She said to herself. I could feel the excitement radiating off of her. She had been saving up for another top surgery for awhile.

"You seem excited." I stated.

"I am. I went small the first time because I didn't want to stand out too much. I was already the towns freak, but now I could careless. I want to be the me I've always dreamed of. I'm tired of having a chest of a little boy. Once I do this, I'll finally be complete." Her voice choked up at the end, and couldn't help but want to cry. I knew she's been wanting this for so long, and I could tell that she was so excited, and I was excited for her.

"Speaking of things weve dreamed of, have you spoken to Tate about a date? I didn't mean to make that rhyme." She said.

I giggled to myself and shook my head no. "I was thinking about doing it today, hopefully he isnt too busy." I said. Lately, he's been busy with working at his dads company, his boxing matches, and school, so I haven't been able to se him much. To be honest of it wasn't for school I doubt if ever see him at all.

"Don't be too hard on him. You know how his dad is. Hell I haven't seen Mike in a 2 days. I think that's a record." She said with a laugh, but I could hear the underlined sadness in her tone. She missed him, even if she wouldn't admit it.

We both sighed.

When we finally made it, Becks turned off the engine and stayed where she was instead of getting out of the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Okay don't get mad. Your dad wants me to talk to you about it." Before she finished, I was already out the car.

"Loni! Come on! You can't ignore her forever! She's your mother!" She yelled after me. I kept walking toward the building in front of me.

"Watch me!" I yelled back.

I felt bad for just leaving Becks there but I hated talking about her. The woman who abandoned me wanting to come back into my life now that I'm no longer a burden. She did try reaching out before I got better but still. I don't think I'm ready, and I don't when I will be.

I made my way to the stupid Math class I had to take for credits. I'll be honest I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Tate said I should pursue and art degree but I didn't want to pursue something that won't be helpful in life.

Now that I have a future I need to start thinking about it. But I just don't know what I want to do.

The teacher was going on and on about some formula we need to memorize for something. But I was uninterested.
The sound of my phone buzzing caught my attention. I looked down and saw it was a text message from Tate.

My heart jumped.

Tate: Heyy little owl. Srry for the late reply. I had a match last night.

I was ecstatic to hear from him. He has been to busy with his matches getting more attention and his dad getting him more involved in the business.

Me: When are u gonna let me come to one? I'd like to see u in action. We could make it a date night.

I have been trying to get him to take me to one for the longest time. At first he said he didn't want to overstimulate me since he wasn't sure how my new heart would react. But Ms. Emily and I have been doing pretty good.

Tate: Someday......just give me time. I need to mentally prepare myself.

I almost jumped up from shock. Was he really gonna let me go?

Me: Really!?

Tate: Yes. I don't really have an excuse for you not to come. And if we are gonna progress you need to see it all. Even the ugly.

"The ugly", I know he said he didn't necessarily like the idea of me being there, but I mostly thought it was because he was scared of me getting hurt.

Me: the ugly?

Tate: The reason I didn't want you to come was because I didn't want you to see me like that.

Was he embarrassed? I've seen him with bruises and cuts, I doubt it would be any different watching him take a few punches.

Me: I'm not scared of a little blood. Were we still on for movie night?

It took him a little longer to respond and i immediately thought he was gonna tell me he was canceling.

Tate: Yeah. Still on.

A board smile spread across my lips and I was almost jumping in my seat. I hadn't seen Tate in a while so I was so excited. God I missed him. I never knew how much 3 words could make someone so happy.

Me: Good. You bring the snacks and I'll pick the movie?

Tate: Agreed. See you soon, my little owl

I smiled.

Me: See you soon, my Tate.

He always blushed when I called him that and I loved every second of it. I hadn't brought up the night he said he loved me in his sleep. Mostly because I wanted to be the first one who said it and I knew he would be embarrassed or deny if I told him about it.

Though me and Tate weren't dating, he treated me like a princess. I think he's trying to make up for being an ass toward me when we first met, and I don't mind it.

Once the class was over I made my way to my next class. It was on the other side of the campus so it took forever to get there but it was the only class that I actually liked.

"Welcome back, ladies and gentleman!" Yelled Professor Dowell.

"Today you will be free hand drawing so I can get a handle on your styles, because for this next project I will be putting you into group." My art professor said enthusiastically. But the class collectively groaned.

Why do it that I'm always forced into these damn groups. You'd think in high school would be the last time you would have to do group projects, but nooooo. One thing the movies don't really tell you is that they do more group projects in college than they do in high school. Like ma'am you know we don't like these people so why are you forcing us to talk to each other.

And then on top of that, it art class you either got the people who really want to be here or the ones who need the last credit and this was the only class that was left.

Professor D told us to draw our childhood. She didn't care what it was, what style we use, or what we used. She wanted us to use our full creativity so she can have an idea on how she wants everyone's groups to be.

So I did just that. I drew my childhood.

Her Name Was MeloniWhere stories live. Discover now