first meet 3

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Rain is standing in front of them, they were happy to see rain after so many days, they opened their mouths to speak but rain hugged them both.

🌧️: phi , i missed you both a lot, after we shifted here , i tried to contact you , but I lost your contacts while shifting here, so I am unable to see you all this year I am sorry phi.

Kim: it's ok rain, we too missed you a lot , we are really happy to see you again it's been a long time how have you been how is your mother , are you still singing?

🌧️: i am fine phi, about singing no phi , after we shifted here here mother was busy with business so I have to concen- trate  on my studies I didn't sing now a days I left it when I joined architecture. How about you both, I read many news about you both,how have you been?

Chay: we are fine rain, it's really a pity, how about this when you have time, come to our studio, i guess tomorrow is holiday , please come to our house for lunch .Here is the address.

Sky: rain who  mmm...

🌧️: oh sorry i forgot to introduce, phi this is sky my best friend and sky these are my  music mentors in the school. They are like my parents. And this is.....

He looked at macau and paused as he don't know who he is.

Chay: oh sorry rain, this is macau Kim's brother and my best friend, i told you about him didn't i and macau this is the boy i talked about when we are in Korea.

Macau: yeah, that kid is rain, the one you really wanted to adopt, he thought
"thank God you didn't, Kim would have killed the little devil if he loved his child, but it's inevitable, be ready little devil, i think Kim won't go easy on you, i can't help you, but my prayers are always with you."
To rain,
"hello rain, i heard a lot about you and really wanted to meet you before, please do come to lunch tomorrow."

🌧️: it's nice to meet you too phi, i heard a lot about you as well, i will  definitely come phi, and p'chay ,p'kim I want to tell you about a lot of things.

Chay: we will talk a lot then, we missed many years in your life, tomorrow we will talk about everything, i think we should go now, rain, please come tomorrow.

Chay hugged him again, Kim also hugged rain and said

Kim: i missed you a lot my baby band boy, i hope you will come tomorrow

🌧️: don't worry phi i will definitely come tomorrow.

Macau : so this is rain wow, little devil if Kim gets to know you are so done, i should share this to p'peat and p'porsche.

Chay: what are you mumbling

Macau: nothing, just things

Kim(suspicious): you said you are meeting little devil's boy,then why did you come back with us

Macau: that ....i have already seen him leaving when you are speaking with rain. That's why hehe.

Kim(still suspicious ) : ok

Chay: let's go p'kim, after that we go home, we should give the chef list of all the things rain like , i remember he don't have any allergy, he likes spices and sweets, we should also inform p'kinn and p'porsche, i bet p'khun will be very happy to meet rain, ....

Chay happily blabbered and Kim lost in his excitement forget about his suspicions, macau sighed in relief and thanked chay in his mind.

After they left for studio macau silently came to theerapanyakul mansion ,he called kinn, vegas ,peat and Porsche and told the incident that happened.

Kinn: so, he is the kid Kim really want to adopt.

Vegas: I pray for my little devil

Porsche: it's going to be tough for venice, Kim used to talk like the kid is his own child

Peat: hmm it's going to be really interesting day tomorrow, my son in law is coming I need to prepare something.

Macau: don't worry phi, as soon as chay arrives he will say all rains favourites, then we will start preparing.

Phayurain, saifa house,

phayu and saifa both came tired after sometime rain came, they all fresh up and started eating dinner, rain started speaking about his day which is their daily routine.

Rain: you know phi i have met my old mentors in the school, they are just like my parents to me ,they invited me for lunch tomorrow, they are staying here itself, i will tell them about you tomorrow later will introduce you, so can I go tomorrow?

Phayu: of course rain, but be careful, if something happens call me immediately, if i am not available call saifa or phai,if you can't call just press the button on the back of your pendant, we will be there as quickly as possible,I will be very happy to meet them so invite them for a dinner later, I will have a holiday from day after tomorrow for a week, i will come early tomorrow let's do  dinner together and have a movie night, i will call pai and sky too.

It really gave a bad scare to phayu when stop kidnapped rain, also saifa and pai were worried so they gave a pendant to sky and rain for emergency .

Rain: no phi, i think p'pai prepared a surprise date for sky, it's a secret, so don't tell sky , it's been a long time they spent time with eachother due to exams.

Phayu: hmm, then let's enjoy ourselves guys

Rain: yay, p'saifa no excuses this time, last time you said you were busy but this time no excuses.

Saifa: ofcourse whatever my nong wants he gets.

Saifa side hugged rain and rain giggled happily, phayu adored the moment, later they slept unknown to the upcoming shock they are going to get .

Next day

Rain, phayu and saifa ate their breakfast together, phayu and saifa went to work after warning him again about safety, rain arrange everything required for the movie night , and got ready, he planned to get the snacks phayu and saifa like as he only bought his favourite yesterday, saifa and phayu won't eat snacks daily but it's movie night so they will have them. After making the list and done with his works, rain got into his car and typed the address in the card on his map.
Driving towards theerapanyakul mansion.

That's it for today,

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