4. In the green of her eyes

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More than a month had passed since I had first started my senior year. Apart from minor inconveniences, things were going better than expected. I even had a friend. Which was a miracle, knowing me. The only real friend I ever had had been Hailey. She was the only person I tolerated. And after the accident, I had decided I would never put myself in a situation where I could be hurt so much again. But I soon realized it was no way to live. I understood that even if Hailey's death had brought me a pain I never wanted to feel again, the solution was not to deprive myself of all the amazing moments spent with her. My first step in that direction had been to accept Lea's friendship. And even though I found her infuriating at times, our blossoming friendship during this past month had been precious to me.

But Lea wasn't the only interesting person I had met here. Of course, I couldn't think about my life without including my alluring math teacher. During this month, I had developed a certain fondness and admiration towards her. I especially enjoyed her intelligence; it was always nice to discuss math with her because she could always keep up with what I was saying and more. It's like I gained knowledge from every conversation we had. And not only technical knowledge, but I also always learned a lot about myself. Somehow, she always made me experience complicated emotions.

So, when Miss Rose asked me to stay back at the end of the class, I was excited at the prospect of a conversation with her. As I walked over to her desk, she was still busy talking to another student, leaving me time to admire her outfit. Today, she was wearing a beautiful pine green dress, it was doing wonders for her eyes. Not only that but somehow, it also accentuated the elegant symmetry of her face. And, as a math lover, I could really admire the beauty of a perfect symmetry. I was so caught up in my admiration that I didn't notice the remaining student had left until Miss Rose turned to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Lily! I have something to propose to you and I think you'll be my only student happy about the prospect."

At that, my head started going crazy imagining possibilities of what it could be. I hated when people paused like that before delivering important news, it allowed me too much time to overthink. But I guess I could give a free pass to Miss Rose, so I raised a curious eyebrow to indicate that I was listening with interest.

"A yearly math competition is being organized across all states. Every year, 10 students from our school represent North Carolina." Miss Rose paused, and I was already hyped by the idea of a math competition. "Now normally, we don't ask new student to participate but seeing you're the most intelligent student I've ever had, I asked the principal to make an exception. And he said yes. Now you'd still have to pass the school tests to determine the top 10 but having seen what you can do, it would just be a formality. You'll be easily selected. Does it sound like something you would like to try?" Miss Rose asked expectantly, her green eyes sparkling extra brightly today due to the shining sun and the color of her dress.

"Yes!" I answered without hesitation, feeling my heart beat faster at the prospect. "Having the opportunity to do more math sounds like a blessing". I said truthfully before realizing how such words delivered by a student could sound to a teacher. "And I don't mean that in a sarcastic way, I truly would love the opportunity." I added, looking at Miss Rose to gauge her reaction.

"I know, sweetheart." Miss Rose said with a laugh. And god, that nickname again, I would never get used to hearing it. "You're the only one I know who wouldn't say this in a sarcastic way." Miss Rose said with a proud smile on her face. But it made me realize how that 'specialness' of mine showed itself in daily life. Usually, I didn't mind being different but for some reason, I didn't want Miss Rose to find me weird. Around her, I wanted to be normal and not the weirdo I had been called so many times. Miss Rose must have noticed a change in my expression because she added reassuring words, as if reading my mind. "That's okay you know. Some people are passionate by video games or parties, your passion is math. That makes you special, don't feel bad about it." My math teacher added with a soft and understanding expression that somehow made me want to believe everything she said.

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