10. One call away

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The rest of my night was peaceful. I knew it was because Miss Rose had made me feel calm, she was like the best anxiety med I had ever taken. 

The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face, no doubt due to Miss Rose's magical powers. Even though we had gone to bed in the middle of the night, I felt energized. Not only was I used to barely sleeping but today was the first test of the math competition and I couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect. I knew everything there was to know about the first part of the competition and I wanted to get it over with. 

I was finishing with my make up when I was interrupted by a gentle knock. "Come in!" I said with a smile already on my face knowing Miss Rose was on the other side of the door. 

"Good morning, Lily! Are you ready? It's time to go." She said, leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest, watching me apply the last touch of my mascara. 

Since I had noticed her there, that simple task proved to be more difficult. I couldn't help but be distracted by her and how beautiful she looked today. She was wearing a pine green dress that seemed to be styled just for her. She had paired the dress with black skin tight high heeled boots that went up to her knees. I had never liked such shoes but she made it look effortlessly stylish in such way that I had to tear my eyes away from her figure so I could finish getting ready. 

As she held the door open for me to get out of the room, she offered a gentle smile of her red painted lips and I knew I had to say something. 

"You look beautiful, Miss." I said sincerely and a little breathlessly. Maybe the fact she was my teacher should have stopped me from commenting but I had always been one to give compliments when they were due and with the way she stood so elegantly against the door frame, it was more than due. 

"Thank you, sweetheart." Miss Rose answered with an impossibly soft smile and a faint blush on her cheeks. At that, I couldn't help but smirk proudly. "Oh, shut up!" She said with a playfully embarrassed scoff. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Elena." I said, looking back over and giving her an innocent smile. 


She caught up to me and we made our way down the hallway and to the elevator. 

"How are you feeling about the first test? Not too stressed I hope?" She asked. 

"Not at all, I'll be more relaxed when it's done however." 


4 hours later, our groups was done with the first test. We were all in Lea and her roommates room, debating over the answers. I was just sitting on Lea's bed, watching quietly. Going over the answers after a test always made me overthink and question myself when there was nothing I could do about it. I knew I had done a good job on the test but there was no need to think it over when we wouldn't be getting the answers before tomorrow. 

Since Miss Rose and the other teachers were on marking duties, we had the afternoon to ourselves and the group decided on watching movies. I was more than happy to comply as I had planned to read on my phone anyway. 

The afternoon spent with our school group was uneventful and not as bad as I would have imagined. 


The next day however, the atmosphere was heavy as we were. The relief of passing the first part of the competition had been replaced by a sense of stress over the upcoming results. We were waiting in the lobby for the teachers to give us today's plans. I knew this day outside would be a welcome distraction until the results. 

We didn't have to wait long before our two math teachers were standing in front of us. They handed us lunch bags before explaining the program for the day. The other math teacher was doing the talking but my attention was on Miss Rose, like usual. When she noticed my staring, she gave me a reassuring look, like she knew I was nervous about being out in New York. She didn't smile with her lips but her eyes did it for her. 

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