Token of Luck (Chapter 99)

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*Morning July 11*

Your POV

Last night was rough for you. The hours into the night were hard to get into and you found yourself having a hard time sleeping for whatever reason it was. Getting out of bed, you prepared yourself for school and headed toward the station.

You: *Yawns* Man...

Akechi: Ahh looks like we meet again so soon.

You: Oh, hey Akechi, didn't see you there.

Akechi: No worries. Did you have a rough night?

You: That obvious?

Akechi: Certainly. Here, I have something for that.

He reaches into his pocket and hands you a handkerchief that is fresh and clean.

You: You don't mind?

Akechi: Not at all for a fellow co-worker.

You take it and wipe your face a bit and eyes. The feeling makes you wake up for a bit and you hand it back to him.

You: Thanks I really needed that.

Akechi: It was nothing. Enjoy your day at school.

You: You too, Prince.

Akechi: Oh Junior, you got a long way to go... But remember, just Akechi is fine.

You: Yeah, sorry *Laughs*.

You enter the train and take it to the station near the school. Upon leaving, it seems like rush hour and you are pushed along with people to the stairs. You bump into a girl in the middle of the scuffle and the moment her hair grazes your nose, you recognize the scent instantly and catch her before she falls. You gently get her out of harm's way and guide her up some stairs, away from the rush.

Kasumi: H...Hey!

You: S...Sorry!

Kasumi:...! Senpai?

You: H...Hey! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you or anything, but I was able to catch you before you got caught up in all that. That was some nasty rush hour, wasn't it?

Kasumi: *Blushes softly at how close you are* T...Thank you for taking care of me...

You: *Gets Flustered* Ahhh... No worries! Just I won't always be there to save you.

Kasumi: Then I'll make sure every incident happens when you are..! *Smiles with a slight blush*

You: We still have time before school so let's take our time in this rush.

Kasumi: Right!

You slip in between the crowd with Kasumi and keep her in front of you so she doesn't get lost from you. Without trying to invade her space, you keep your arms just away from her so you don't bump into her, but you feel the pressing elbows and hands of others as they try to push you. Thankfully you have both guts and good strength to control your balance when being pushed along. When you find a spot to take a quick break, you gently tap Kasumi and move her to the side.

You: This feels a little weird doesn't it? Like almost like a game.

Kasumi: Y...yeah, but it's kinda fun when it's you Senpai!

You: *Goes a little red* W-what?!

Kasumi: *Giggles* Oh nothing!

You: Geez...

Kasumi: You know... You seem rather quite different as of late Y/N-san.

You: Yeah? How so?

Kasumi: Well you just seem a bit more happier and lively. Almost like you are free of something.

You: Is that so? I did just fix some issues I had going on so my mood might be a bit better.

Kasumi: Well that is very good. It is important for your mental health to be strong!

You: Nothing gets past you about health huh?

Kasumi: You know it. Speaking of which, are you free next week?

You: Depends, I got an important job now so my time can be hectic.

Kasumi: I see. Well let me know if you are free any of those days, I would like you to go somewhere with me.

You: Well I'll try to find something for that then.

Kasumi: Thanks! Senpai.

You then move back into the rush, it seems to have died down a bit so moving became a little easier as you reached the last part of the station before exiting to the streets. However the moment you take the lead, Kasumi is suddenly pushed to the side and nearly topples over herself by the amount of people. You quickly notice this and you see concern grow across her face.

Kasumi: A...Ahh! Senpai!

You stop a bit and turn only to get pushed forward a bit, you push back and slip past, stumbling between people, and you get closer to Kasumi as she continues to reach for you. Her lengthy arm reaches forward and she catches your sleeve in an attempt to pull herself to you but her hand slips off the smooth clothing. Without much thought, she pushes forward, her warm fingers interlacing over yours as she grabs your hand. You feel the warm sensation burn through your body and you hold her hand and both gently and firmly pull her towards you. She looks at you shocked by the gracefulness of your movements filled with confidence and integrity. Without much thought you wrap your arm around her and pull her forward, holding her close you hasten up the steps and onto the street. With the fresh air, you both take a long and deep breath.

You: Whew! That got a little nasty back there, are you alright you aren't hurt are you? I hope I didn't-

Kasumi: Not at all Senpai! Thank you! You did your best to care for me! I am truly grateful...-

Kasumi still has her fingers over yours and holds onto your hand. You look down and both instantly shoot red in embarrassment, with a sudden twist and turn, you both instantly face away from each other.

You: S...Sorry! Didn't mean for that to happen.

Kasumi: N...No it's all my fault, I was the one who grabbed onto you first.

You: You did it so you couldn't be trapped so it's not a problem.

Kasumi: I...It's not like I didn't like it or anything but thank you!

You: Y...Yeah, don't mention it... S...Should we head to school?

Kasumi: I think we should- Oh look at the time! We better hurry!

You: You don't have to tell me twice!

You both sprint off in the direction of the school. Quickly trying to wipe away the red across both your faces in the process, you make your way to the day of school...

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Mainly a filler chapter sadly but I thought I would give some much-needed love to our favorite underclassman, I thought it would be a neat way to improve a little of the connection and relationship between the two as I was thinking of proceeding with the direction of the interaction and I think I did a pretty decent job at it. Don't expect more of these types of fillers for a bit since we are heading into a massive arc once again which is mainly going to be chapters of that so look forward to it like I am!

Due to some issues and problems I am facing in life, I am now promoting my Patreon to anyone who wants to support me financially, this not only will provide me with some sort of income, however small or large it is, that will allow me to focus even more effort into writing for you guys. It is entirely your decision to check it out and provide me with any money you want to give me, the lowest starting is 5 minimum. Entirely up to you again, is my Pateron for you to visit! Well I will See you all in the Next one! Thanks again!

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