Chapter 3: A torturous battle part 1

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As ATL sans went back to the dark hallway with fissured like cracks of glowing lights as he walked he saw the trio again and felt a terrible shiver throughout his whole body and decied to get a bit closer but kept his distance and listened as Dust sans told both killer and horror that if they helped him with "cause" once he was powerful enough he would grant them what ever they want and horror was promised a world with a good ending to it and getting back to normal without no one changing their world like a toy  and he said with a glimmer of hope in his face that he was looking forward to it but also was against killing monsters since he cared for them he wasn't like dust or killer and despised them but he couldn't let a tempting offer down and dust promised killer that he would get his own place in their reign and he would be able to cause as much destruction without being stopped by higher beings and he himself would have plans to kill every human from every universe and if monsters interfered they will be slayed like he did to the chara/frisk from his world but also said that he was doing this for a reason to help every monster that has been hurt by these monsters and would also have other plans that he would like to keep for himself and as they continued to chat other plans for the future. 

Listening to Dust Sans's twisted justifications and seeing his internal conflict, ATL Sans couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness and frustration. It was clear that Dust Sans's motivations had been twisted beyond recognition, his desire for justice and retribution clouded by his own actions. ATL Sans realized that Dust Sans's path had led him down a dark road, one that had turned him into the very thing he had once sworn to defeat.

ATL Sans strained to hear the conversation of the trio, his heart pounding as he caught snippets of their sinister plans. The promises they were making to each other seemed to paint a grim picture of their intentions. Dust Sans appeared to be manipulating the other two with enticing offers, preying on their desires for power and change. As ATL Sans absorbed the details of their dialogue, he felt a mixture of anger and unease. The promise of a "reseted world" and the manipulation of Horror Sans and Killer Sans were deeply troubling. Dust Sans seemed to relish in his role as the puppeteer, his maniacal laughter echoing in ATL Sans's mind. Horror Sans's question about their motivations struck a chord with ATL Sans. Why would Dust Sans need to continue the cycle of violence if he had already gained enough power? The twisted amusement in Dust Sans's response only fueled ATL Sans's suspicion that something much darker was at play. Seeing the turmoil in Horror Sans, ATL Sans's heart ached for him at least for now. It was clear that Horror Sans was torn between his desire to help the monsters in his timeline and the promises of power and change offered by Dust Sans. Killer Sans's unstable nature added another layer of complexity to the situation, as he seemed to teeter between different personalities and motives. ATL Sans's determination to find a way out of this place was stronger than ever. He couldn't let the trio's twisted plans go unchecked, especially when it seemed that they were not just a threat to their own worlds, but potentially to countless others as well. He knew that he had to keep moving, to keep searching for a solution, even if it meant confronting the trio head-on. 

ATL Sans's mind raced with thoughts and memories as he contemplated Dust Sans's words. He remembered the times when he had faced similar temptations and desires, the times when he had considered taking matters into his own hands to end the cycle of violence. Yet, he had chosen a different path, one that led to forgiveness, redemption, and ultimately a chance for a better future.

As he listened to Dust Sans, ATL Sans understood that Dust Sans's own suffering and pain had driven him to this point of madness. The twisted logic and justifications were a desperate attempt to find meaning and purpose in the midst of his turmoil. But in the process, Dust Sans had lost sight of his original intentions and had become consumed by his own darkness. ATL Sans felt a surge of empathy for Dust Sans, despite the terrible things he had done. He recognized that Dust Sans was a victim of his own choices, trapped in a cycle of violence that he couldn't escape. But ATL Sans also knew that he couldn't allow Dust Sans's actions to continue unchecked. The threat that Dust Sans and his companions posed to countless worlds was too great to ignore. With a heavy heart, ATL Sans resolved to find a way to confront Dust Sans and the others, to stop their destructive plans and hopefully bring an end to the madness that had consumed them. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, and that he would likely face unimaginable challenges along the way. But he also knew that he couldn't stand by and let their darkness spread unchecked.

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