Chapter 4: A torturous battle part 2

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(continuation---->)...As ATL Sans bravely  approached the trio of alternate versions with a hint of fear, his initial attempt at humor did little to ease the tension in the air. The three of them turned to face him slowly, each displaying a different level of hostility and aggression.

Dust Sans, his eyes glowing white for now intrigued by a seemingly intrigued by a normal looking sans, spoke with a chilling intensity, demanding to know who ATL Sans was and why he was there. ATL Sans couldn't ignore the insanity in Dust Sans's voice and the anger in his eyes. However, he tried to maintain a level of confidence as he responded.

"Well, you can call me Sans as you all know, 'just a skeleton passing through a dark abyss, maybe you'll show me a good time", ATL Sans replied, his tone a mix of bravado and uncertainty. He then directed his attention to the other two.

"To the one with the sticks and stones (horror), it's not really about the weapon, it's how you use it. And as for you, the black putty producer (killer), I've got to ask, is pumpkin carving a side gig or are you branching out?" he quipped, his attempt at humor revealing a hint of nervousness underneath.

The trio's reactions varied. Horror Sans seemed to be lost in his own world of madness, not quite registering ATL Sans's words. Killer Sans, on the other hand, was noticeably agitated by the comments, his dark eyes narrowing in anger. And Dust Sans continued to stare at ATL Sans with a mix of skepticism and something deeper, something that hinted at the internal struggle he was facing.

ATL Sans's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to gauge their reactions and find a way to deescalate the situation. He knew that engaging with them in a confrontational manner could lead to disaster, but he also couldn't let their plans continue unchecked. With every word he spoke, he hoped to find a way to reach them, to break through the madness and darkness that had consumed them.

ATL Sans took a deep breath and continued to test the waters, his voice tinged with a mix of sarcasm and caution, "Hey there, Mr. Sucked Mango Head. You might want to consider getting a good moisturizer for that noggin of yours, heh. And as for you, Dust, a little eye drop might help with that irritation you're clearly experiencing. Just trying to be helpful, you know?"

He accompanied his words with a half-hearted grin, hoping that his attempt at humor would alleviate some of the tension. Horror Sans seemed to be momentarily taken aback by the comment about his cracked skull, as if he hadn't expected anyone to address it so bluntly. Dust Sans's reaction was more difficult to gauge, his red and blue eyes continuing to bore into ATL Sans.

Killer Sans, however, was not amused. The combination of ATL Sans's audacity and the apparent lack of fear in his demeanor seemed to set him on edge. Killer Sans took a step forward, his red-tinted grin widening as he spoke, "Well, well, what do we have here? Another little skeleton who thinks he's funny. You might just be the kind of entertainment we've been waiting for."

ATL Sans's grin faltered, realizing that he might have provoked Killer Sans even further. He knew that he was walking on a thin line, trying to navigate the delicate balance between humor and danger. As he looked at the trio, each with their own unique brand of darkness, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread mingled with his determination.

ATL Sans didn't let the tension in the air deter him. With a defiant grin, he retorted, "Oh, trust me, I'm not just funny, I'm hilarious. You guys should consider a career in stand-up comedy. I hear monsters love a good laugh... or is it more like a good scream?", He chuckled at his own words, his attempt to disarm the situation with humor.

Dust Sans, his eyes glowing with red and blue and thinking that this random sans out of the blue probably didnt know who they we, responded with a sarcastic chuckle, "Oh sure, let's have a grand Halloween party. You can be the centerpiece, and we'll all gather around to admire your 'dead'ication to the occasion."

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