Chapter 5 The accident

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Taehyung walked up to you, and jimin, Taehyung then grabbed your wrist

Taehyung: Come on y/n we're leaving. (He said in angry tone)

Jimin then stopped him from taking you away

Jimin: Taehyung whats the matter (he said with a concerned tone)

Taehyung's hand turned into a fist as he was trying to control his anger

Taehyung; wanna know whats the matter, well I'll tell you, my best friend is talking to my future fiancé and buying her drinks (he said with anger)

Jimin: huh?! I'm not buyin- (he then got cut off by Taehyung )

Taehyung: shut it I don't want to hear it, I saw what I saw ( with that he took y/n and left )

Y/n : where are we going ( she said as her and tae was exiting the house)

Taehyung : home, where else , stupid girl (he said in a cold but yet drunk tone)

Y/n: did he just call me a supid girl?!! (She said to her self )

With that she pulled her arm out of Taehyung's grip

Taehyung: what are you doing?! Give me your hand ! ( he said in a annoyed tone with his hand out waiting for y/n )

Y/n shook her head

Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked to y/n and picked her up. Her belly was on Taehyung's shoulder

Y/n: put me down (she said in a annoyed tone)

People that was outside stopped partying and just stared at them

Random guy: hey, bro what's going on here

Taehyung: nothing my fiancé is going crazy again, she needs her medication, so I'm taking her home ( he said with a fake smile and just started walking to the car)

The random guy was scared but yet confused and awkwardly smiled back while walking backwards

Soon later Taehyung and y/n was already at the parking lot

Y/n: CRAZY?!! I'M NOT CRAZY!!!( she said while kicking her legs)

Taehyung: stop kicking did you forget you had a dress on. ( he said in a cold tone )

Y/n: Stop bossing me around I'm not some slave !! (She said with anger)

With that, Taehyung let her down and pinned her against some car

Taehyung then wrapped his arm around her and started pulling her hair

Taehyung: yell at me again and you'll see what I'll do (he said with a red face )

Y/n: oh really

Taehyung: don't mess with me,y/n I'm not the guy to mess with

Y/n: wowwww so scary

Taehyung: you're asking for it

Y/n just rolled her eyes

With that Taehyung left and started walking to his car he then turned it on and drove by y/n

Taehyung: find your own ride home

Y/n: ok I will

With that Taehyung left, y/n was alone in a dark parking lot

Y/n pov

Damit, why did I have such an attitude, did I just get mad cuz he called me stupid. Anyways how am I going to get home this parking lot is to big and it's scary. I then started walking and then I heard someone. Who's there I said as I felt my heart beating faster. Then someone tapped my back. SLAPPP .

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