Chapter Four

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Legolas pushed open the large, beautifully carved dooes to reveal a large room made of all wood. All the wood was delicately carved by some experts hand. I could assume the room was the throne room because there was a set of stairs leading up a large wood throne that appeared to be grown out of a tree into a complicatedly weaved and designed chair. Sitting on that chair was Legolas's father, the king. Next to the throne on the wooden platform stood an old man with a long grey beard, he had a grey cloak that rested slightly on the ground, he had a matching grey pointed hat. He had a wooden staff in his left hand. As Legolas and I walked up the stars we could hear the old man yelling at the king.

"Thranduil the great Elven king you call yourself, well, why can't you send a few trackers out to find a small little creature. Or is it too hard of a task for you Mirkwood Elves? Not only did you some how manage to let 13 dwarves escape from your dungeons, but you also got yourself into a war with them over a few jewels and now you say that the mighty Mirkwood Elves are too afraid to track a little, mangly creature through your borders."

"I am not afraid of this creature, Mithrandir, and neither are my people but if a worthless mangly creature is so important to you than I will send my son to help. He is of no use to me here and maybe going on this wild chase will knock some sense in to him."

As I stood there listening to the king apparently named Thranduil and the old man who is named Mithrandir discucse some other area of disagreement I looked over at Legolas who was just gazing at his father in bordom. I didn't know how he could just stand there after his father had called him useless. I know I'd be really mad. Legolas then glanced over at me and I averted my eyes and my face became warm.

"That is Gandalf the grey to some people but to us, we call him Mithrandir. He is a really nice man if you can get over the fact that he is a wizard and all of his riddles." Legolas told me in a hushed whisper. Gandalf and Thranduil argued a little more then Gandalf asked,

"Who is the child?" I was still to startled about the fact the he was a wizard to reply so Legolas told the story of how he found me and by the time he finished I had regained my wits.

"You don't have to call me child because I have been given a name," I stated with a much dignity as I could muster in this situation.

"Well, what is it then, Child?"

"Anariel Sun Daughter, guest of the Prince of Mirkwood." Legolas said with a surprisingly strong and steady voice.

"Well Anariel, I think it would be wise to take you to the white wizzard who is the head of my council. Maybe then to the other Elven Kings and Queens and ask for all of their council for this has never happened before,"

"You will ask for Elrond's and Celborns's and Galadriel's council and not for mine. You will go to the white wizard and seek his council but you will not even consider aking my council. I wonder why that is?" Thranduil cut in with his sharp, icy voice.

"I am trying to ask of your council right now but all your doing is shouting at me, for what I don't even know!" Gandalf replied tartly. I zoned out right about there due to the fact that I was going to be taken out of Mirkwood with an old wizard just so he could get some councils about what to do with me. What bothered me most was the fact that they couldn't stop arguing with each other.

"Ada, enedhor na tabiel mi. Innas hira Mithrandir min sam?" Legolas spoke some strange words to his father that I couldn't understand but they sounded very flowy and beautiful. (Father, noon is closing in. Will I find Mithrandir a room?)

"Le innas. Hunnon le Legolas," Thraduil replied with a little bit less ice in his voice than before. (You will, thank you Legolas)

"Mithrandir, please follow me," Legolas said after e had turned to face Mithrandir. Legolas then walked down the stairs and out of the throne room with Mithrandir following after. Thranduil and I were left alone on the wooden platform.

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