Tour of the Autobot Base

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Y/n P.O.V

After I had met the other Autobots, Elita 1, Chromia and I were being shown the base by Arcee. Though if I was being honest, I felt a bit out of place considering they were all girls. I mean, I wasn't against girls, just... Felt weird. Considering I've had little to no social interaction with anyone else, let alone giant alien robots. 

Chromia: How big is this base? 

Arcee: Not that big. Sure it looks like a lot, but once you get used to the layout, it becomes a lot smaller. Good thing is, we've got plenty of bedrooms. If a door isn't locked, the room is free for taking. 

Y/n: You guys live here? 

Arcee: Sort of. Bulkhead, Bumblebee and I sleep close by to the humans we're protecting to make sure no Cons try to ambush them in their sleep. 

Elita 1: Makes sense. So where are the other humans now then? 

Arcee: School. Though it should be ending pretty soon. So I should really finish this tour quickly. Nothing personal.

Chromia: Its fine. 

Arcee: Anyway, lets head over to the training room. 

Arcee continued to lead the way down the halls and we arrived at a large and empty room. In all honesty, it didn't really look like much. 

Elita 1: Arcee? Are you sure you brought us to the right room? 

Arcee: Yeah, I had a feeling you'd say that. Since we're limited with technology and even lower on Energon, we usually just spar with each other when we have the time. And we don't practice shooting. Spends too much Energon. 

Y/n: The whole Energon situation is that bad? 

Arcee: Unfortunately. The Cons have been mining Energon reserves like... What's the human expression again? 

Y/n: Which one? 

Arcee: The one with bunnies, or rabbits. Whatever it was. 

Y/n: Uhh... That's for something else entirely. 

Arcee frowned. 

Arcee: Wait. What? It is? 

Elita 1: Which human expression are you talking about? 

Y/n: Ehh... I'm not sure you wanna know. 

Chromia: Oh cmon. You can't just leave us like that. Tell us! 

I sighed and shook my head. 

Y/n: Alright, fine. But keep in mind, you girls asked for this. The expression is mating or breeding like rabbits. And its because they're... well, a bit hyper when it comes to that kinda stuff. 

Arcee: Oh... Yeah, I think I would've preferred not to hear it. 

Elita 1: Too late for that now. 

Chromia: I'm regretting asking that... 

Arcee cleared her throat. 

Arcee: Anyway! Moving on from that...

We left the training room and proceeded down the halls once more. 

Y/n: So how long have you and the others been in this base? 

Arcee: Longer than I like. And the thing I hate most is that this is the one and only base we've managed to establish during our time here. 

Elita 1: So if this base is found out, then there's no back-up? 

Arcee: Yeah. 

Y/n: No offence, but isn't that a little stupid? I mean, what happens if we are found out? 

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