Team Prime

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Y/n P.O.V

As soon as we all went through the giant green portal, we found ourselves in some giant structure where the walls were lined with some kind of rock. In the middle of the floor was the Autobot insignia and there were a bunch of different computers around the room. The most noticeable thing were the three other robots that waited for us. 

The ground bridge closed, allowing us to rest without the worry of Decepticons chasing after us. 

Optimus: Is everyone alright? 

Chromia: Still in one piece. 

Green: What happened out there? 

White and orange: Decepticons tracked Chromia's signal. Thankfully they didn't get close. 

The yellow bot let out a few beeps which I couldn't understand. But Elita 1 seemed happy. 

Elita 1: Bumblebee! Its good to see you again. 

The other three bots eyes widened. 

Blue: Elita 1?! You're alive? But how? Everyone thought you were... 

Elita 1: Scrap metal? No, but it was a close second. Nice to see you too Arcee. 

Green: Hold on a second. I thought it was just Chromia?

Optimus: Elita 1 had met up with Chromia before we ground bridged to their location. We are fortunate to have you two join our ranks. 

Elita 1: Of course. And I think you mean three Optimus. 

She said as she placed me down on the ground, prompting the other bots to look at me. 

Arcee: You have your own human partner? 

Arcee: You have your own human partner? 

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Optimus: Elita 1. While I am comfortable with you acting as Y/n's partner and guardian, I do not recommend he gets involved with direct contact with the Decepticons. 

Elita 1: Optimus, with all due respect, if it weren't for Y/n, I would have died a long time ago. He saved my life not once, but twice. Cons were on our tails and he was able to mount one of my guns and shot down two of three jets that were trying to scrap us. 

Green: Wait. Wait. Wait. This kid's shot down Cons? Nice one. 

White and orange: It was still a risky thing to do. 

Chromia: Honestly, I think that's impressive. Not often you meet a human who can handle themselves. Anyway, is this all there is to the group? 

Optimus: We are few, but strong. But we should take the time to introduce our new human ally to the team. This is Ratchet, the medic of Team Prime. 

He said, gesturing to the white and orange robot, who simply walked over to one of the terminals and began to work on something. 

Optimus: My scout, Bumblebee. 

He nodded at the yellow robot, who let out a few beeps. Before I could question it, Elita 1 spoke up. 

Elita 1: Bee lost his voice in the War for Cybertron. The beeps are the only way for him to communicate now. But if it makes you feel any better, he says "Hello". 

Y/n: Its nice to meet you Bumblebee. 

Optimus: The muscle of the group, Bulkhead. 

The green robot waved. 

Bulkhead: If you need anything smashed, I'm the guy. 

Optimus: And last, but not least, Arcee. 

Arcee: Optimus, I'm still not so sure about having another human addition here. 

Elita 1, Chromia and I frowned. "Another"? 

Chromia: Wait, what do you mean "another"?

Optimus: Three other human children have been seen with us by the Decepticons. And for their protection, Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead were assigned as their guardians. 

Y/n: So I'm not the only human to know about you guys? 

Ratchet: Far from it. Even this base was handed down to us from the government. Its walls hide our signals, preventing the Decepticons from finding us. 

Elita 1: I feel like I should ask what the situation is between us and the Decepticons. 

Optimus: I'm afraid the Decepticons outnumber us greatly. But they too maintain a low profile, to an extent. 

Arcee: And that's only if they're not after something the human military possess. 

Y/n: But you guys are way more advanced in technology, right? Why would Decepticons bother with human tech? 

Chromia: Kid's got a point. Its not like the Cons to take something inferior to what they're used to. 

Y/n: I'm 17! 

Elita 1: And what's the age a human is classified as an adult? 

Y/n: ... 18. But cmon! Its close enough! 

Bulkhead: Well it depends on when you turn 18, I guess. 

Y/n: A few months from now. Anyway, Elita 1? Since we're somewhere safe, can you continue telling the story from earlier? 

Arcee: Story? 

Elita 1: Y/n asked about Cybertron's history and how the war started. I just finished telling him about the Golden Age and was starting on The Rust Age. 

Ratchet: Then allow me to tell him the rest of the story. 

Elita 1: No offence intended doctor, but I think he'd prefer the unbiased version. 

Y/n: Well, what's the difference between his version and yours? 

Elita 1: Well, for the most part, Ratchet misses out more than a few important details. Anyway, its probably best to wait a bit. Its been a long ride and morning for both of us. 

Optimus: Indeed. Y/n, as you stay here, there will be few methods of entertainment. We have what you humans call, a television. 

Y/n: Was that always a part of this base or was it for the other guys before me? 

Bulkhead: It was for the others, but since you're riding with us now, you might as well use it too. 

Optimus: Arcee, I would like you to show Elita 1 and Chromia around the base. 

Y/n: Can't I come with? 

Elita 1: Optimus? 

Optimus: Very well. 

Elita 1 smiled and lifted me up, placing me on her shoulder. 

Arcee: Okay then. Lets go. 

With that said, the four of us left the main room and were given a tour around the base. Though I had to admit, it was a little disappointing that I wasn't the first human to discover these guys. But at the same time, I was glad I wasn't. 

Yet I was slightly conflicted on whether I should be happy or scared that I was now caught up in between a war. 

ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transformers Prime Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now