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Y/n P.O.V

After that red Con was taken down, Elita 1 was immediately brought to Ratchet for medical attention. And... She wasn't doing too well. Her chassis had slowly turned into a cyan-like colour and she looked deathly ill. She could barely speak and barely move. 

Y/n: Ratchet, talk to me. Is Elita 1 going to be okay? 

Ratchet: It would appear that Shatter laced her weapon with a controlled strain of cybonic plague. 

Y/n: But... You can cure her, right? 

Ratchet: Yes. Thanks to Megatron, actually. 

Y/n: What? How did-

Arcee: Optimus got infected awhile ago. And Megatron was the one who created the plague as a bio weapon. 

Jack: Megatron was in stasis at the time and Bumblebee got into his head and we got the formula out of Megatron. All we have to do is just make the cure and she should be fine. 

Hearing that relieved me a little, but at the same time, seeing Elita 1 like this was painful. 

Bulkhead: I'm just wondering what we plan on doing with Shatter. Airachnid's in stasis so we don't need to worry about her. But Shatter is a different case. We don't have another stasis pod to keep her in. 

Optimus: Which is why Bumblebee is keeping a close eye on her. Ratchet, how soon can you create the cure for Elita 1?

Ratchet: There is a slight problem Optimus. We are missing one of the major ingredients to the cure. One that is not so easily found on your planet. 

Raf: But you can find it, right? 

Y/n: What is the ingredient? 

Ratchet: A rare metal known as osmium. But I have no idea where to even begin searching. 

Turning to Elita 1, seeing her in this state of agony made my heart tighten. Clenching my fists, I turned to Ratchet.

Y/n: I think I know where to start looking. A couple years ago, some meteors hit Russia. There's a chance there may be some shards of osmium leftover. 

Jack: Right. I remember hearing about that on the news. But do you really think a meteor carries osmium?

Y/n: Its worth a search at least. 

Optimus: I agree with Y/n. If there is any chance that these meteors have the final ingredient we require to save Elita 1's spark, we must take it. Arcee, Chromia, you two will locate and retrieve the element. 

Y/n: I'm going too. 

Arcee: Y/n, no. You've been in too many dangerous situations. You were chased by Decepticons, got kidnapped by Airachnid and nearly got scrapped by Shatter! This is not up for debate. 

Y/n: But you don't know what osmium looks like, do you? How do you know you'd have found it if you don't know what it looks like? Besides, Elita 1 is my partner and guardian. That goes both ways. 

Elita 1: Y/n...

Ratchet: Ep! Ep! Save your strength. 

Optimus: Very well. But be careful Y/n. 

Chromia: Stay close to us and you'll be fine. It might just be a simple retrieval mission, but you never know. 

I nodded, understanding. This mission would determine Elita 1's fate. I couldn't just lose her when I grew to care for her so much. Ratchet opened up the ground bridge while Arcee and Chromia transformed into vehicle mode. Chromia opened up her door, allowing me to enter the driver's seat. Arcee drove through first and was then followed by Chromia and I. 

When we got through to the other side, we found ourselves in what appeared to be the countryside of Russia, with a lot of villages in the distance. They all looked small from where we were. 

Arcee: Alright Y/n, any ideas on where this meteor hit? 

Y/n: Only that it was somewhere in the countryside, but its a big place. We should look for craters. 

Chromia: Sounds good to me. We should split up, we'll cover more ground.

Y/n: Right. I'll head to one of the nearby villages and ask around about any craters. You two can drive around and search for any craters. 

Arcee: You sure? 

I nodded.

 Y/n: Trust me. Its best if one of us gathers information about the area. I just hope there's at least one person that speaks English around here. 

Chromia: We'll keep you posted if we come across any craters. 

The two femme bots transformed into their vehicle forms and drove around, searching for any signs of a crater. I let out a low sigh and made my way to the nearest village. It took me around 10 minutes walking to the village. 

It was a nice and small, cosy area. I asked around the village, wondering if anyone here knew about the craters. However, most of them only spoke Russian which was a pain in the ass. 

After asking around, I let out an annoyed groan. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, prompting me to pick it up. It was Arcee calling. I answered it and held the phone up to my ear. 

Y/n: Arcee? 

Arcee (phone): Y/n, I found a crater. I'm sending you the coordinates. Chromia's on her way to pick you up. 

As soon as she said that, Chromia pulled up in front of me. 

Y/n: Yeah, I noticed. 

Hanging up on Arcee, I entered Chromia in her car form. We drove off towards Arcee's current location.

Chromia: You doing okay Y/n? 

Y/n: I'm just worried for Elita 1. 

Chromia: Understandably so. A lot of people, both Autobots and Decepticons were wiped out by the Cybonic plague. For a long time, there was no cure. At least no cure known to us. At least we got a chance of saving Elita 1. 

Y/n: Yeah... 

It didn't take long for us to arrive at Arcee's location and we had located a giant crater. I wish I could say it was an overstatement, but this crater was large. I can't imagine what the people must have been like when the meteor hit. 

I got out of Chromia and approached the giant hole in the Earth, taking a good look at the site. 

Arcee: See anything?

Right at the bottom, I saw something shiny. Nodding, I slid down into the centre of the crater, approaching the shiny object. Upon closer inspection, I saw it was exactly what we needed for Elita 1! 

I plucked up a small cluster of the osmium and got a better look at it. It was a shiny metal which could easily have been mistaken for a crystal. I raised the metal up, showing the other two. 

Arcee: Arcee to base, we have the osmium. Requesting a ground bridge.

As soon as she said that, a green portal opened up next to me. The femme bots came up beside me as we walked through it, returning to the base. I wasted no time rushing to Elita 1's side. 

Ratchet: You have the osmium, yes? 

Y/n: Yeah, right here.

I held it up to Ratchet, allowing him to take it and make the cure for Elita 1. 

Ratchet: This will take a little bit of time. 

Optimus: Thank you Y/n for your aid. 

I nodded and kept an eye on my partner. Her chassis was a little worse, with most of the pink of her form now corroded by that sickly cyan colour. It hurt to see and worried me. 

I just hoped that by the time Ratchet made the cure, it wasn't too late. 

ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transformers Prime Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now