Friendly Faces

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Y/n P.O.V

After fending off the Decepticons, Elita 1 and I drove away, hoping to meet up with one of her allies. Its been a long ride so far and still no sign of anyone. Then again, we were in the middle of nowhere so neither of us had high expectations. 

Elita 1: You doing okay? 

Y/n: Yeah. I'm fine. 

Elita 1: You sure? A lot of people wouldn't be after an encounter like that. If you wanna talk, I'm here for you. 

Y/n: Thanks Elita. 

Elita 1: Its Elita 1. 

Y/n: Sorry. But I do have a question. 

Elita 1: Go ahead. 

Y/n: You said you'd look for any Autobots if they were here. But how do you know there even is any other Autobot here? You said you picked up Decepticon transmissions, not Autobots. 

Elita 1: Yeah, but I can only hope. Not much else I can do. We might be on the road for awhile so you should get comfortable. 

Y/n: No kidding... Though if you were a jet, we'd probably cover more ground. 

Elita 1: You're not wrong. But I've always preferred being more grounded. More low profile and doesn't paint a giant red target on me. 

Y/n: Yeah. I guess that's a fair point. Still, I think it'd be pretty cool. 

Elita 1: Have you ever flown before? 

Y/n: No. Have you? 

Elita 1: Kind of. I've hitched rides in dropships before. 

Y/n: Then yeah, that counts. 

Elita 1: I knew a few Autobots that fly. Maybe if we meet one of them, they can take you for a ride? 

Y/n: You think they'll be okay with it? 

Elita 1: I'm... about 73% sure. 

Y/n: Did you actually do the math on that? 

Elita 1: Nope. Just picked a random number between 1 and 100. 

The two of us shared a small laugh. I leaned my elbow on the side, resting my head on my fist as I looked out the window. Thing is, there wasn't really much to look at. So I guessed it was more of me keeping an eye out for any trouble. 

Y/n: Can I ask you about your home planet? What it was like? 

Elita 1: Sure. Now, I'll try to give you the unbiased story. Most Autobots make out like the Decepticons were always tyrannical and warlord-like, but they didn't start off like that. There were two notable ages on our planet. The Golden Age and The Rust Age. Before I continue, what are your thoughts on politics? 

Y/n: I've never really been a fan of it. 

Elita 1: Same. But... Lets just say politics took a big part of how the war started. Though, I guess the same could be said for the wars on Earth. 

I nodded in agreement. 

Elita 1: Anyway, The Golden Age was, to summarise it, perfect. There was nothing wrong, everyone was equal and friends with each other. And that allowed us to thrive. We had something called a caste system. It assigned every Cybertronian lifeform a job and class rank based on what we transform into. So for example, lets say if I was a giant and burly wrecking ball crane or something, I would be put into construction. And that would be my job for the rest of my life. 

Y/n: Seriously? So... What? Its just decided what you do? You don't get to choose? 

Elita 1: Well, that's how it used to be. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Moving on, when we were created, someone called a Guildmaster would assign us a name. Yep, we don't even get to pick our names, they're decided for us. 

ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transformers Prime Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now