A Spider's Web

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Y/n P.O.V

A low groan left my lips as I felt myself slowly begin to wake up. My eyes slowly fluttered open, albeit my vision was still slightly blurry. The only thing I could make out from my surroundings was that I was held in some kind of dark cave. 

I tried to move, but I felt restricted, like I was tied up. Shaking my head and blinking a few more times helped clear my vision a little, allowing me to see that I was trapped in some kind of oversized web! I struggled to break free from the web, but to no avail. Weirdly enough, it felt just like a normal spider web, but how was it so thick?! 

???: Look whose finally awake. ~

A soft yet intimidating voice spoke to me. The voice was feminine and sent shivers down my spine as I looked around the cave, trying to pinpoint where the voice came from. 

Y/n: W-What the...? Where did... 

Suddenly, a giant slim and black figure dropped down from the ceiling and stood on 8 thin legs which came out of their back! Once they stood up, I could see it was another Cybertronian! Except opposed to the Autobots eyes, this one had purple eyes. She had a colour scheme of black, purple and gold, her lips were a purple colour and she had a sinister smirk plastered onto her face. 

Spider: Its not often I receive visitors in my home

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Spider: Its not often I receive visitors in my home. And to think that I'd run into a familiar face in the process... Tell me, how has Elita 1 been? 

Y/n: W-Who are you?! 

Spider: I asked you a question first. Don't make this anymore difficult than this has to be. Just answer my questions and I'll see if I can make things a little more... comfortable, for you. 

Gulping nervously, I nodded. 

Y/n: I mean... She's okay now, I guess? 

Spider: Hmm. And I thought there were only three human children the Autobots protected. 

Y/n: Damnit! I'm 17! I'm not a kid! 

The spider bot just let out an amused giggle. 

Spider: Alright then. If you say so. So what's your name? 

Y/n: U-Umm... I, uh... I'm not sure I should tell you. 

Spider: Then I suggest you make yourself comfortable. You might be here for awhile. 

Y/n: W-What I meant by that is you literally have me tangled in a web and I don't exactly feel like I'm in the best position to disclose any private information about myself. 

Spider: Hmm... You have a fair point. Fine. I suppose I can introduce myself. My name is Airachnid. 

I frowned. 

Y/n: Umm... Don't you mean Arachnid? Not "AIRrachnid"? 

Airachnid: It used to be Arachnid, until I scanned a helicopter and that is now one of my alternate transformations. 

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