Forever Yours ♡

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Wooyoung and San are college best friends who live together sharing the same dorm room. Compared to Wooyoung and his other friends; Yunho, Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho, San is a quiet, innocent and a gentle introvert.
Wooyoung was the first friend San made when he entered the university and since then they became literally inseparable regardless Wooyoung possessed a complete opposite personality from San ; an outgoing, loud, very clingy, social butterfly.

As they got to know eachother with time, Wooyoung always melted at how soft and gentle San was with everything he does. It made him end up being protective over his best friend at all times making everyone around them to think it was adorable as Wooyoung was younger in age and smaller in physical size than San for him to act so possessive. But it was the least of Wooyoung's concerns thinking about how vulnerable San can look sometimes making him want to protect the older boy at all costs.

Eventually San got along with Wooyoung's other friends, who also accepted San as who he was without judging him with even one glance, and San was grateful.
With each passing day, both San and Wooyoung were always happy to have eachother. They shared everything they had in their lives, both good and bad; smiles and tears.
Even though Wooyoung strictly believed that there wasn't a single thing he didn't know about San, he was wrong. San had that one big secret with him he didn't dare to share with any of his dear ones. And that was...
San was in love with his best friend~

As much as San loved Wooyoung being his bestfriend, he was afraid that letting his real feeling reach the younger boy would cause irreversible damage to the bond they are now having with eachother. So instead, he decided to keep everything bottled up within himself, waiting for a day that he can muster up the courage to confess to his best friend.


As time passed, they became even closer as friends and San's love for the younger boy grew bigger, creating a special place just for Wooyoung in his heart.

But since a few days, San started to notice Wooyoung behaving a little bit odd than he used to be. He happen to go out alone a couple of times, leaving San behind without letting him know exactly where he was going and when ever he came back, he looked happy as ever. It made the older boy worry as if he felt Wooyoung was losing his interest on him, because he had never left San behind like this before without reasoning. But what confused him the most was, when ever he was back from his secret little trips, Wooyoung was all over San being the clingy puppy he is, as if he didn't disappeared for a good couple of hours without saying anything to him.
San trusted Wooyoung and there wasn't any doubt about that. But this behaviour of the younger boy made him worry, causing him to sulk alone at random times, overthinking about his relationship with Wooyoung.


On a weekend not long after, San, Wooyoung, Yunho, Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho decided to visit the amusement park to enjoy their free time away from the hectic college work.
On their way back from having the best time of their life, Wooyoung was sitting next to San in the bus. Other four friends sat on seats behind them as pairs, and San could clearly hear them chatting about random things as the bus was not that crowded.

San kept staring out side through the window, lost in his thoughts, when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He turned to his side only to catch Wooyoung staring at him with a unrecognisable look on his face.

"Why, Woo?", San asked in a small voice. But the younger said nothing, just shook his head and moved closer to San. He moved to rest his head on San's shoulder and closed his eyes before letting out a little sigh.
He was completly leaning his weight on San as if he had no strength in his body.
For a split second, San felt an urge to kiss Wooyoung's cheek and confess him. Tell him that he likes him. Tell him how much he cherish him and how thankful he is to him, for every thing.
But...he couldn't find the courage to do it.
Instead, he tilted his head to place his cheek on Wooyoung's head which was resting comfortably on San's shoulder. Both of them were silent for the whole time; It was a very comfortable silence. San adored every single second he was spending with Wooyoung's attention on him.

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