Happy Birthday ♡

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A/N : A short drabble to celebrate our Sanni's birthday ⛰️♡


"Ah, it seems like you have a visitor, San"

"A visitor?", San opened his closed eyes.

"Mmm hmm. I'll come back once you guys are done talking", the hairstylist patted his shoulders and left the room, giving San a knowing smile.

"Hey, birthday boy~", Wooyoung peeked in through the door.

"Young-ah! What are you doing here?", San's face immediately lit up, his previously drowsy eyes starting to shine like stars in a clear night sky.

"Surprise! I've got something for you~", he pulled out a little velvet pouch he was hiding behind his back and placed it on San's hand.

"It's my birthday gift to you. I wanted to deliver it by myself and see how you like it", He said in the sweetest tone and took his phone out.

"That's really sweet of you, jagiya. It's a piece of jewellery isn't it?"
Wooyoung nodded. He couldn't control the smile on his lips seeing San's curious cat face.

"Open it up~", Wooyoung replied excitedly, turning on his mobile camera.

"Are you recording too?", San chuckled.

"Yeah. I wanna cherish all our memories together. Everything I do with you until we become grandpas. Remember?", Wooyoung softly asked.

"How can I forget that? That's our promise to eachother", San reached to hold Wooyoung's hand. He briefly squeezed it, earning a nod from the younger.

"Now, come on! Open it up, cat boy! Hurry up!", Wooyoung nagged out of the blue.

"Okay, okay. Geez~", San chuckled, shaking his head.
Wooyoung pressed record and zoomed into San with a wide smile.

"Oh this one is also chrome. Ah it's a necklace! Oh man~ oh man~", San started to sing a song of his own and opened the lock of the necklace to put it right away around his neck. But it seemed like he was struggling to secure the lock back. Wooyoung ended the recording and put the phone away.

"Ah, you are such a himbo, Sanni. Let me help", Wooyoung walked around the chair and stood behind San, noticing the pouty reflection of his soulmate from the mirror.

"Don't pout at me, Choi San. It's not my fault that you can't put a simple necklace on by yourself ", Wooyoung started their usual bickering as if it's not allowed for them to pass one day without being lovingly annoying to each other.

"I don't care, because you are always there to do it for me. Thank you so much. I love it~", San displayed his dimple-crescent eye smile.

"I am gonna tell everyone that this was a gift from you; my romantic boyfriend. And everytime I am gonna miss you, I will kiss this dog tag. So it'll make me feel like you are with me", San carefully admired the piece of jewellery before pecking the metal accessory.

"Awww... Such a simp for me, aren't you?", Wooyoung flirtatiously dragged his hands over San's collarbones and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind. Then leaned down to rest his face on one of San's broad shoulders.

They both looked at their reflection on the mirror.Their smiles widened when their eyes in the reflection met each other.

"I saw your insta story. It was so romantic, Woo. And bold thing to do too. Thank you for loving me so much~", San clasped Wooyoung's hands around him and intervened their fingers together.

"I couldn't hold back. So, thought of taking the chance since we have our own social media accounts now. No more holding back on bragging about having the best boyfriend ever", Wooyoung leaned to peck on San's cheek and giggled softly.

"Hey, what if somebody sees us", San squeezed their held hands with a big grin.
"I don't mind. They know we are close. So it's okay", Wooyoung pecked San's cheek again.

"Young-ah", San whined this time.

"You can't stop me~", Wooyoung sang like a song and leaned to peck on San's cheek again. But to his surprise his lips met with another pair of lips instead. San had turned his head, stealing a kiss this time.

"Yaa!", Wooyoung hit San's chest, touching his own lips with a blush.

"What? I am the birthday boy. I have all the privilege to do anything I want today", San proudly said with a pout.

"But what if anybody sees us?", Wooyoung fiddled with the necklace around San's neck.

"I don't mind. They know we are close", San repeated Wooyoung's words with a smirk.

"But they don't know we are this close", Wooyoung smiled and rested his chin on the crown of San's head this time.

"I wish we could say that out loud, to everyone. Tell them that we are in love"

"I understand what you say, baby. But I feel like they already know that. We are really bad at hiding it"
Both of them chucked in agreement.

"So, do you have any special plans for tonight?", Wooyoung moved to stand facing San.

"Nothing special. How about we hang out. I miss the deep late night conversations we used to share", San held one of Wooyoung's hands and secured it warmly between his palms.

"Then that's what we are going to do tonight. Let's have a drink and talk till we feel drowsy. Maybe we should bring Seonghwa hyung with us too"

"Sounds perfect to me. Let's finally give Hwa hyung the permission to be a part of Woosan and become WooSanHwa", San giggled.

"Hahaha yeah. I'll tell him then. He'll be so happy"

"Sure. Go ahead ", San responded, fiddling with Wooyoung's hand gently.

"Umm.. excuse me. Sorry to disturb you guys, but..", the hairstylist appeared near the door with a sheepish smile.

"I'm afraid we need to continue with the rest of your styling, San-shi. Or we'll be late for the live", he said with a smile.

"Oh yes, sure. Let's continue. We were about to finish our chat as well", San let the staff know and slowly let go of Wooyoung's hand.

"Yeah, no worries. Carry on your work. I'll see you later, Ruby-yah. Byee~", Wooyoung turned to leave the room but looked back, grinning upon hearing San's whine at the teasing nickname.

The bratty smaller boy chuckled and blew San a flying kiss before walking out through the room door with little jumps. San's heart swell with warmth as he caught the invisible kiss and placed it above his heart. San looked at the new necklace, hanging from his neck. He lifted the dog tag up to his lips and placed a little kiss on it.

"I love you, Wooyoung. My beloved Soulmate~", San whispered to himself with a smile.

-The End-



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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