2| another point of view

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A/N: Before I start go read chapter 1 again because I edited it. I watched Romeo and Juliet last night and got an amazing plot twist. I didn't change much just added two, three sentences.


"Ugh, father, Tom goes to that school too. Everybody goes to Hogwarts. Why am I not allowed to?" I said.

"Son, I told you that school would be a bad influence for you." he says.

"Bad influence? And it's not bad influence for Tom, huh?" I ask.

"He's already tough, you on other hand look at yourself. You're whining like a kid for me to let you go to some stupid school." He says.

Tom tougher then me. Oh, please.

"Father, let him go. I'll watch out for him." Tom said. Did my brother just stood up for me? This isn't happening. I'm hallucinating.

"Fine, fine. Go to that school." father said. Yes. But so much of not having a favorite child.

~small time skip~

Dumblewhore decided to put me in compartmant with 1st years.

"This is ridiculous." I yell.

"Mattheo, calm down. I'm sure you'll survive for a few hours." Tom snickered annoyed of my complaining.

"Goodbye, brother. Have fun." he said snickering while I stood in front of some random compartmant.

"Yeah, yeah, goodbye." I said before walking in.

"Hello, can I sit here?" I ask a girl and two boy sitting in there. I mean I am the son of Voldemort but that doesn't make me a cold-hearted monster.

"Yeah, sure." girl says with welcoming smile. While other two boys just look at me and nod.

"I'm Elena Esmeray. And these are Jake Esmeray and Alex Esmaray. And you? You don't look like 1st year." she said.

"It's because I'm not. I was home schooled. I'm Mattheo Riddle by the way." I introduced myself.

The boys gave me a warning look and girl just smiled.

"Riddle like Tom Riddle?" Jake asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, which one are we talking about Jr. or Sr. ?" I asked.

"Senior." Alex said looking me up and down.

"My father." I said uncomfortably.

"Uh huh." Jake said staring directly in my eyes. I stare back at him.

Elena then broke the silence. "But I'm sure you're nothing like him." she said.

That means a lot to me. My father is terrible person and having everyone tell you you're just like him without even knowing you is even worse.

"Thank you" I said. We talked for a bit but then I got a need to use a bathroom. I got up. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say and they all nod.

I walk around the train lost. I forgot the fact that I have no idea where bathroom is. I ran into profesor Lupin who gave me some books to give to Snape and he also showed me a direction to bathroom.

As I'm walking I bumped into someone making me drop my books. I crunch down to pick them up.

"I'm so sorry." someone says. From voice I would say it's a girl. But that voice I don't know why but it's so familiar like a heard it before. I shook off the feeling.

"It's okay, love." I said. Why did I call her love? What is wrong with me?

I look up to see the far most beautiful and gorgeous girl I have ever met. Her posture straight. The way her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders. But her eyes, I got lost in them. I can't find my way out. Something in them seems so familiar. They are linked to mines. I can't look away from them.

She's so perfect. I feel like Romeo when he first met Juliet at the ball. I couldn't look away so she did. She picked up my books and gave them to me.

"Sorry again." she says. "It's okay" I say. "See you around" she says walking away. "See you" I yell but my eyes not leaving her for a second until she's out of my gaze.

I gave books to Snape, found the bathroom and somehow found a way back to compartmant.

"What took you so long?" Elena asks.

"Just bumped into some girl." I say.

"Uuuuu, was she pretty?" she asks exaited.

"Most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life." I said.

"Oooo, do you know her name?" she asks.

"No, but she looks so familiar. I would have remembered that face. It's probably nothing." I say.

We talked a bit until we arrived at Hogwarts.

"See you around Mattheo." Elena and her brothers said.

"See you." I say walking to the door of Hogwarts.

"Mattheo Riddle" I heard my name so I walked in and sat under the Sorting hat.
'Slytherin' it said. Oh wow, what a surprise.

I walk over to slytherin table just to see only open seaf in next to gorgeous girl in which I bumped into before.

I sat down and said "We meet again, love." Ugh what is wrong with me?

"I'm sorry, did I miss something? I'm confused." some guy says. Who is he to her? Is he her boyfriend? Wait a minute why do I care?

"Yeah, did we miss anything?" Tom says with his eyebrow raised.

"No, you didn't miss anything. Riddle is just being annoying." she says and guys raise their eyebrow but I just smiled to annoy them.

Just then Potter came rushing to this girl. "Can I talk to you?" he asks. Who do fuck does he think he is? But she nods.

"Alone" he says and she frowned. Why would he needed to talk to her? Alone? And why do her friends look like this is normal?

She stand up and went with him. I can't belive she did that but on other hand I don't even know her so why do I care?

Just as I was talking to her friends some random girl came and kissed Theodore out of blue sky. My dear friend. I know him well enough to know he has different girl every day of the year.

"So which girl is this, this week? Fifth, sixth or even seventh?" that guy asks.

"Lorenzo, shut the fuck up." Theodore says. Oh, so his name is Lorenzo.

"No, really, which one?" Lorenzo asks.

"I don't even go out with that many girls." Theodore says making Lorenzo laugh. I try to hold my laugh but it's really hard. Daphne starts choking from laughter.

Soon the girl from the train came. Ugh, what's her name?

"Why are you laughing? What did I miss?" she say sitting down.

"Oh, nothing just Theodore convincing himself that he doesn't go out with that many girls" Lorenzo barely managed to say making me laugh.

The girl from the train just chuckled putting her hand on Theodore's shoulder. "Sorry to break it to you but Lorenzo's right." she say making us die from laughing.

We all had great time and I came back to my dorm I share with Theodore. For the first time I fell asleep without nightmares. Maybe this change was good.


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