46| behind the lies

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I felt so bad. I was supposed to be his. I promised him to always be his. But I guess at some point we all break our promises.

And now he doesn't know I love him still. He doesn't know the baby is his. And all I want is to tell him. But I can't.

When I saw his face so broken. He looked for me. He found me. And I betrayed him. I wish this wasn't like this.

I wish I could tell him the truth and explain him everything. I wish to marry him. I wish to be with him.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the front door open. "I'm home" Tristan says as his voice send shivers down my spine.

Not because I liked his voice but because I feared that voice. All I wanted is to get away from here but that is not possible.

WARNING: toxic relationship, abuse, insults

"H-h-hey" I stutter afraid. "Ugh, remind me again why the fuck were you talking to Riddle" he asks with dark eyes.

"We just bumped into each other" I answer my hands slightly shaking. "Well how I'll bump my fist into your face, how about that?" he asks and I freeze.

And then he started throwing punches. This was a daily occurrence. As much as I didn't want it to be.

Every time I cover my bruises with make up or piece of clothing I wonder why couldn't this all stop?

Why did Lena had to broke up with Tristan and start this? Well let me explain it from the start.

I bought this house on the beach just like I always said to do. The pregnancy was very difficult and so was the labor but I went through it. All alone.

Everything was going perfect. Exept the fact Mattheo wasn't here. And what I thought then probably will never be here. But he is now.

Of course I made some new friends but no one really close to me. And as days passed being a single young mother isn't easy as it sounds.

I was going to work and then baby. While I was at work the baby was staying with my neighbor. She is a really sweet women.

One night I came home so tired. And I went to pick up my child from Eleonor, the neighbor.

She gave me my kid but also gave me a piece of advice. The piece of advice I wish I didn't listen to.

"Sweetie, you are tired, you just worked the whole day. Come on. I'll babysit the child and you go have fun. I heard there is a new club down the street. Please just relax one night" she suggested.

I wish I didn't say fine that night. I wish I didn't go at all. But I did. And one drink became two then suddenly it was four. I don't even know how many shots I had? I just now I was drunk.

When a man came and asked to drive me home tonight. He seemed sweet, he seemed nice so I agreed for sake of my life.

He drove me home. After I told him he even picked up my child and put her to sleep. Thankfully he didn't try anything.

He just let me fell asleep. He also doze off on my couch. And it was such a luck he isn't a complete psychopath.

When we both woke up. I thanked him for driving me home safe. For saving me from probably devastating fate.

But he said nothing comes for free. And that's when I froze. What could he possibly ask for?

He wanted me to be his fake girlfriend cause Lena left him and he wants to make her jealous.

I didn't want to. I said that's not gonna work. He said I owe him. But I knew my worth. I said I don't owe him nothing but no was not a good answer.

He then threatened me with my child. And it all happened so fast. I didn't know how or when we even started fake dating.

But I knew what was most important to me. My child didn't get hurt. And like that we started fake dating.

Right now its already a month. And he beats me. Every day. I always do something wrong.

All I wish for is that Lena gets back. She takes him to herself cause I can't live here anymore by myself.

I'm just glad all he does is beats me and calls me pet names around people. Thank God he doesn't force me on anything. In fact we never even kissed.

And that's how I ended up here. Covering the bruises on my arms and my face. Who would have guess this would be me?

"They are coming over tommorow for coffee, the whole group" I whisper. "Great, but if you and especially Mattheo look too close then watch out. I'm going out, dinner better be ready at 5" he says and leaves.

I sigh and start preparing the dinner. I decided on tortillas. It was mine and Mattheo's favourite meal.

I just place them into the oven when I hear a cry from baby monitor. Kate woke up. I quickly wash my hands and head upstairs.

I pick her up from the crib. "It's okay, sh shh, mommy is here" I say swaying us from one side to other.

After few hours the food was ready on the table. Kate was back asleep and Tristan was no where to be seen.

He's probably somewhere at the club or a bar doing Merlin knows what. I just hope Lena and him get back together as soon as possible.

I watched a movie and hours passed. He still haven't got home. Thank God. I fell asleep on the couch. Yeah, in my own house and still on the couch.

I was woken up by a stung on my cheak. Tristan's face in front of mine. He slapped my cheak. What can I say instead of daily occurrence.

What the fuck does he want now?


A/N: Thank you so much for 14.8 K reads, also I would be very thankful if you could vote. Thank you, xx.

I know this chapter was boring but we needed a little background story.

And now question of the day: your opinion about Tristan?

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