16| heartbreak

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Mattheo approached the table where everyone were seated. Only place left was opposite of her.

As he got closer his heart arched. His heart was screaming at him to stop this nonsense but he knew he couldn't. As much as he didn't want to do this. He simply had to.

He wanted to be hers but that wasn't possible at this moment nor will ever be. As they all say it was right person wrong time.

His eyes didn't move from her from the second he walked into Great hall and saw her. His mind didn't let go though of her for a second.

God, was she pretty. But it doesn't matter now it's all gone. He wanted her in his arms and now he'll have to do the exact opposite of his wishes.

After so much time of hesitating he finally walks over sitting down. Y/n's eyes immediately light up.

She looks at him. And he is now all that she can think about. After the whole staring contest Y/n speaks up "Are you okay? Didn't see you yesterday?" she says obviously speaking to Mattheo.

He didn't want to but he had to so he just frowns rolling his eyes and focusing them on the food on his plate.

Y/n was very taken back at his action. She wondered if she said something wrong. Did she do something wrong. Why was he so rude to her.

"What happened Mattheo?" she asks worried and sincere written all over her face. Mattheo looks up at her trying to stop his face from softing after seeing her angelic face.

"None of your business" he snaps. "Well it kinda is when you're acting like this towards me" Y/n snaps back.

Their friends watching the fight. Ones with their heads down knowing damm well why this is happening and the others very confused and furious.

Lorenzo was very taken back. I mean Y/n is his best friend. He would always stood up for her even when knowing that she can stand up for herself.

"How am I acting then?" Mattheo snarls. "Like a fucking bitch" Y/n answered without any hesitation which Mattheo found really hot. Mattheo, not the right moment.

"Oh, says the angel right? You act like you're all innocent but did you ever watch yourself in the mirror and saw what's behind the surface?" Mattheo says.

At this point the whole school was staring but Y/n couldn't care less. Y/n was never type of person that cared for other people's opinions.

"And what's that Riddle?" she yells. "A selfish bitch that has perfect life and still acts like a spoil brat" he says regretting every word but he had to.

"Fuck you, Riddle." Y/n yells. "No thanks, wouldn't like someone worthless like you to fuck me?" he says wanting to strangle himself because of his words.

That words hit Y/n hard. Not the sentence but that one word. Worthless. She always feared that word. That word, you'll find out later, ruined her life. Ruined her.

"Oh, really? Then go fuck yourself Riddle. You know I thought you weren't like your father but I was very wrong. You are exactly the same as him." she yells at him.

That words hurt Mattheo. From all the things she could have said that one's hurt the most. But he knew he deserved them. But he knew he had to push her away.

"Oh, wow, how mature Y/n? Will you go and cry to your father now?" Mattheo says mockingly knowing damm well that if he could he would hug her here in front of the whole hall. He would rather rip his own skin then make her cry. But that wasn't the case here. Just because he couldn't.

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