𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Getting off the jet, I'm met with warm weather and a gust of wind

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Getting off the jet, I'm met with warm weather and a gust of wind. The sun's rays directly hit my eyes, making me put on my Prada Symbole rectangular sunglasses.

My heels click against the private jet's airstair as I step down the last step. Looking around, I spot two sports cars. My black Porsche Boxster with tinted windows was parked next to Robyn's blood-red Ferrari F8 Tributo.

Walking towards my car, I say over my shoulder, "Noel, you're driving with Robyn." Opening the driver's door, I add, "I don't want to add something red that isn't wine to my headache. Great? Great." Getting in the car, I shut the door and put my handbag on the passenger seat.

I wait for Robyn and Noel to enter their car and roll down my window. Robyn notices my window is down and rolls her window down, too.

Leaning outside the window, I tell Robyn, "Follow me." With that, I close my window and press down on the gas pedal.


I pull up to the villa that we'll be staying at. Shutting off the car, I step out and wait for Robyn to pull up.

A few minutes later, Robyn speeds up the driveway, parks next to my car, and, fuming, steps out of the car with Noel, who doesn't look too pleased either.

Before I can ask them what's wrong, a middle-aged man walks out of the villa, heading our way with a big smile that brightens his eyes and creases that extend from both sides of his nose to the corners of his mouth.

"Buonasera," He comes up to me and brings out his hand to shake mine, which I acknowledge by shaking his hand, "Signorina Neri?" [Translation: Good afternoon, Ms. Neri?]

"Buonasera. Sì, sono io." I greet him with a polite smile. [Translation: Good afternoon. Yes, that's me.]

"Fantastico!" He smiles at me and takes a pair of keys out of his pocket, placing them in my open palm. "Ecco le chiavi di casa mia. Dovrebbe esserci tutto." With that, he shakes my hand again and farewells, making his way to his car and driving down the driveway. [Translation: Fantastic! Here are the keys to my house. Everything should be there.]

Turning around, "Seeing as you're both breathing, I can say the drive went well." I tease them with a slight smirk on my face.

They both glare at me and then turn their heads to face each other to glare at one another, too. "Just peachy," Sarcasm drips down every word that leaves Noel's lips.

"Oh, who are you kiddin'?" Robyn seethes at Noel, adding, "We would be here much faster if someone didn't make me almost swerve off the road because she saw a lookalike of Mads Mikkelsen and screamed because of it."

"It's a perfect reason to scream. I mean, wouldn't you do the same if you saw a lookalike of Edward Cullen?" Silence meets Noel. "Thought so."

I swear my first grey hair will appear before my 30s if they continue on like this.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 | ✍︎Where stories live. Discover now