𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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As I glare into his eyes, sizzling with fury and bitterness, I notice how the vein in his forehead angrily pulses

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As I glare into his eyes, sizzling with fury and bitterness, I notice how the vein in his forehead angrily pulses. But that's not really what catches my gaze. I lower my eyes to his left eyebrow and see the small scar going through his eyebrow and slightly up his forehead.

The haunting scar reminds me of the last time I saw or argued with him, or rather fought with him. However, that wasn't anything new, as every time we ran into each other, all we did was argue.

But what stood out the most on the night we last saw each other was the way he hung his head after I managed to slice his skin across his eyebrow. The blood trickled down past his eye and down his face, some into his mouth. But what disturbed me the most, making anxious flutters in my gut rise, was the sinister smirk that rose on his lips, showing his blood-stained teeth.

Still hanging his head, he shook his head and glared at me with those piercing green eyes through his lashes and the last words he ever spoke to me were 'You'll regret that'.

I realise I've been mindlessly glaring into those familiar fierce forest green hues for a while now; I remove my eyes from his and look at him. As I look him up and down, I can feel his burning dark eyes staring down at me, boring holes through my soul.

Standing in front of me, wearing a neatly ironed black suit with silver rings wrapped around his fingers that went well with his suit.

As if I would ever admit that to him. It'd just unnecessarily boost his ego.

The black turtleneck under his suit jacket hid most of the ink on his skin, but some peaked through the high collar.

His forest green hues complimented his olive skin, although it was hard to miss the menacing way his eye glared down at me as he assessed me from top to bottom.

I was interrupted by his raspy voice that brought my eyes back to his, not hiding how much I loathed him. "Look at you. So small, huh? My neck is starting to ache from looking down for that long."

"Shut the fu—" his voice once again interrupted me.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" He gritted out as he turned his glare to Alejandro and Valentina.

Alejandro steps forward, closer to answer, "We thought—"

Yet before Alejandro could finish, he was interrupted too. "You thought nothing."

Not liking the fact that he was interrupted, Alejandro gritted his teeth before blowing a harsh breath through his nose. He tried to answer calmly, although the anger was sensed. "Dante, you know we need her."

Dante scoffs in absurd, running his hand through his already messy hair. "We don't need her." As he says the last word, it looks like it left a bad aftertaste in his mouth and he looks at me with a repulsing look on his face.

This time, I scoffed at the words that left Dante's mouth. "It's not like I fucking asked to be kidnapped and manipulated in some deal, let alone work with you."

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 | ✍︎Where stories live. Discover now