A Secret Evil

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The next day Mariella was awoken from her sleep by her mother and was dressed up for an unknown event. But as the little princess entered the room she saw a prince she wasn't familiar with. He had ginger hair and green eyes. He was about five inches taller than Mariella and was weirdly obsessed with wearing the color Green. She was confused until her father told her that this unknown prince was Prince Daniel.

Mariella was dumbfounded. This prince was the prince her dearest warned her about? He seemed so nice but for some reason he made Mariella uneasy. He seemed nice at first but under the surface she felt this prince was more than he seemed. After the prince left The Queen saw her young daughter was uneasy and asked to be alone with her daughter and husband. After they were alone the queen asked her young daughter to stay for a talk and Mariella knew why.

As she sat with her parents her father looked confused but knew something was wrong. "What seems to be troubleing you my daughter?" The queen asked as Mariella took a deep breath so she could be calm while explaining her feelings to her parents. "When Daniel was here I felt uneasy for a reason I am unaware of. He seems nice enough but I feel like something is wrong whenever he is here."

Mariella said as the king and queen looked at each other and agreed that Daniel seemed off. "I know my daughter but this marriage will be for the greater good of the kingdom. If anything happens then I will convince Daniel's mother and father to cancel the wedding." The king said as Mariella smiled. "Thank you father." Mariella said as she was dismissed still uneasy about her marriage with Prince Daniel.

As the months went by Prince Daniel started to act possessive over Mariella to the point that he wouldn't let Mariella see her childhood friend Stanley. The little princess updated her beloved about Prince Daniel's behavior which was upsetting Prince Jake very much. "That sounds like something he would do. But I promise I will protect you at all costs even if we get caught." Prince Jake said as he kissed Mariella before parting with his beloved. But little did they know Prince Daniel heard and saw everything and vowed revenge on the Prince who sabotaged his first wedding and was trying to sabotage the second wedding.

The next day Princess Mariella was called into the throne room to find a very pissed off father waiting for her. "Why were you with Prince Jake in The Shining Forest last night?! I told you to stay away from him!" King Nathan said as Mariella seemed confused. How did her father find out about her secret visits with Prince Jake? That was until she saw Prince Daniel walk into the room. Did he tell her father about her visits with Prince Jake? After thinking for a bit she remembered one of her visits with Jake when he told her that Daniel was very sneaky.

The Little princess remembered Jake telling her that she couldn't be sneaky with Daniel as her lover. She also could have sworn that she saw someone following her into and out of The Shining Forest. After thinking her heart broke. Daniel found out about her and Jake. That meant that Jake may die. She felt tears go down her face thinking about it and saw Daniel give her the smuggest look ever. "I didn't want to say goodbye to Jake father! I love him! He was the only prince that actually loves me for who I am! Besides, Jake told me that Daniel was dangerous! I felt uneasy the day I MET Daniel! I don't want to marry him father! My only love is Jake!" Mariella yelled as she saw her father walk up to her.

Before she could asked what was going on, she felt a slap. At first she couldn't move but after a bit she started to cry. "I told you to stay away from him. But as always you never listen." The king said as even the QUEEN was shocked. The king has never hurt his daughter before. So to see the king slap his little girl was horrible to see. "Go to your room dear. I'm going to have a talk with your father." The Queen said as Mariella started to leave. But before she left she turned around and looked straight at her father. "I hate you father." Mariella said said as she ran into her room and cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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