chapter twenty nine

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After buying the tickets I scroll through my messages

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After buying the tickets I scroll through my messages. Suddenly, I feel Kita place his hands on my shoulders. "What you doing?" I lay my head on his left hand, "I'm going to Japan on Friday."

He sits next to me, "Unfinished business?"

"Yup." I say, placing my head on his lap. He plays with my hair as we talk for a bit. Eventually, I fall asleep forgetting all that happened today. The days ended up going by quickly, I was able to model some more and learn more about Kita. Before I knew it, it was already Friday and I was on my way to the airport. "Thank you so much for taking me, Kita!" He smiles, placing his hand on my thigh. "No problem love."

The ride was quick since it was early in the morning. When I got there Kita helped me with my luggage. "Why is this so heavy y/n? You're only staying for the weekend." He groans. I giggle, "You never know what could happen so I packed everything I may need." He sighs, "You're going to make me miss you more." He grabs me by the waist, pulling me into a kiss, "Call me when you land."

I smile, "Of course!"

We say our goodbyes and I head inside the airport. I get through security and make my way to my terminal to wait for about an hour. After an hour they called everyone onto the plane to get seated. It was going to be a long flight so I had plenty to think about. I was just scared to see what will happen between me and the boys.

*13 Hours Later*

I get out of the airport and make my way to a taxi. I tell the driver my address to the condo and we get there in less than 15 minutes. I step out of the car and stare at the building. It felt so nice to be back home and breathe this fresh air. I never knew how much I would miss Japan. I make my way inside my condo and unpack a few things. It was dark out, very dark so I assumed everyone would be asleep by now. I ended up ordering myself some food and watching tv until I fell asleep.

Morning rolls around and I prepare myself for the day. I take a long steamy shower while on the phone with Kita. The time difference was about 13 hours so while it was 11 am here it was 10 pm in New York which meant I barely had time to talk to Kita. He told me he was going to bed and hung up which gave me some time to get dressed. I put on something simple but very cute, I also did my hair and makeup. As I was about to leave I took a deep breath in and out then left. I made my way to the bus to go to Kunimi's house. When I got there I stopped in front of the front door scared to knock but I did it, I had to. Kunimi's mom opens the door and her mouth drops. She pulls me into a big hug and burst into tears, "My dear y/n. I'm so glad you're well!" I tear up a little and laugh, "Thank you, momma! I just came to visit."

She pulls away and fixes my hair, "Kunimi is upstairs with the boys and your siblings are at a summer camp."

"Thank you, momma, for everything."

She wipes her eyes, "Go on now! They'll be very surprised to see you."

I walk in, slowly making my way to Kunimi's room. The door was slightly open, giving me a small insight into what the boys were doing. I saw Kunimi on the floor playing his video games as usual, on the other hand, Iwaizumi and... Oikawa was sitting on the bed talking to each other. I quietly open the door, "Got room for one more?" I say in a low tone.

Kunimi looks at me in shock, he stands up quickly and rushes to hug me. He buries his head into my chest and cries. "There there," I say, patting his head. I look up seeing a shocked Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Kunimi pulls away, "How, when?! Why are you here y/n!?" I chuckle, "I landed yesterday night..." Iwaizumi gets up to hug me, "It's great to see you y/n."


He pulls away leaving me and Oikawa. "Looks like you've been well." I seethed. He looks me up and down in complete shock, "P-Princess? It's really you?" I look down, "I think we have some stuff to talk about..." I say, trying to hold in my tears. "We do..."

Me and the boys head onto the rooftop. We all sit down, me in the middle of Kunimi and Iwaizumi. I wouldn't dare sit next to Oikawa. "I guess I'll go first," I say.

"I'm sorry again for staying in New York but I've been able to slowly pursue my modeling career... Kita has been helping me too... with a lot..."

Oikawa stares at me in disbelief, "You don't mean...?"

I glance at him then my fingers, "I slept with Kita." Kunimi gasps, "I knew it! Didn't I tell you Iwaizumi?" Iwaizumi lightly slaps the back of Kunimi's head, "Shhh!"

"What the fuck..? You guys had some secret bet?" Oikawa snapped. "Don't act like you're innocent Oikawa." Iwaizumi chimes. "I know I'm not innocent! Y/n.. I am so sorry. I truly am and I guess I already got my karma."

I sigh, "I was wasted and the whole time I thought it was you but I guess that isn't an excuse."

Kunimi gets up, "You guys should figure this out on your own... let's go Iwa." The two boys get up and head inside leaving me and Oikawa alone. "So how was it?"

Oikawa looks at me, "How was what?"

"Fucking Kiyoko. I mean I do recall you telling me you had no feelings for her."

"Y/n don't act like you're the fucking victim. Did you forget you fucked Kita? Oh and don't think I'm dumb, I saw the way you looked at him before we left. You were scared he would rat you out right?"

My eyes widened with anger, "Oh but it's okay to just fuck other girls while I'm gone? Is that your excuse?" He stands up, "I fucked Kiyoko because she drugged me!" He yelled. I look up at him still sitting, "Drugged you?"

"I went to some lame ass house party to get my mind off of you and she gave me a drink and next thing you know we're in the room fucking. Honestly, I don't remember shit but all I thought about was you."

I hug my legs, "I guess we didn't mean to do what we did but at the end of the day we still fucked up and I know we will never trust each other again. What if I go on a business trip? You're just going to get fucked up again and just fuck any girl you see huh?"

"I could say the same shit about you. As soon as I'm gone you start opening your legs to the first guy you meet like a fucking slut."

I stand up and slap him, "Don't ever disrespect me! This shit here, me and you, it's fucking done. Fuck you! I hope I never see you again." I walk away, making my way back into Kunimi's bedroom. "Is everything alright?" Kunimi asks hugging me. "I need to use the bathroom..." I say as I walk to the bathroom. I shut the door and sit on the floor. I was finally able to cry in peace, my relationship with my first love was over. The boy I imagined my life with is no longer with me anymore. I was broken but I guess this was for the best.

I didn't know what to do anymore, but all I knew was that there was no more me and Toru. Our chapter was over.

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