chapter seven

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I was glad to have rescued my siblings from that abusive household but I couldn't comprehend how the hell I'm supposed to spend the night with three boys! I pull my keys out from my pocket and unlock the door

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I was glad to have rescued my siblings from that abusive household but I couldn't comprehend how the hell I'm supposed to spend the night with three boys! I pull my keys out from my pocket and unlock the door.

"Make yourselves at home."

The boys walk inside, looking at almost everything besides Kunimi. "Damn princess are you really such a clean freak?"

"Mhm I just don't like messes."

Megumi pulls on my sleeves, "Huh what is it meg?"

"Are you and that boy dating? He keeps calling you princess!" She says out loud. I shake my head in annoyance, "No he's just an idiot. I don't know why he calls me that."

"You know you like it when I call you that." Oikawa says confidently.

"No I don't actually. It's annoying."

I grab Megumi and Sasaki hands bringing them to my room, "Both of you stay here and watch TV. I'm going to talk with the boys. Are you guys hungry?"

"Yes oneesan!"

I smile patting them both on the head, "Okay I'll go make something!" I walk out of the room making my way to the kitchen. The boys were sitting on the couch talking about nonsense.

"You guys hungry?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am ! I mean you do owe us don't you think?" Oikawa says putting his head back. Iwaizumi punches his arm, "You don't have to make anything y/n."

"Nah it's okay. I'm pretty hungry myself... and just to be clear you guys followed me!"

"You wouldn't have pulled it off if we didn't follow you." Kunimi adds. Shit head...Ugh and he's right too. "I would've been fine." I roll my eyes.

I decided to make some pork cutlet bowls since it was the only easy thing I could make at this time of night. As I was frying the pork Iwaizumi comes into the kitchen grabbing the handle of the pan, "I'll help. You can start making the rice." He whispers. I smile and grab the pot from the cabinet. After the rice and pork was done Iwaizumi grabbed six bowls and helped me put the food into each bowl. "The food is done!" I exclaim.

"I really get to try the princess's cooking! I am one lucky man."

"Pft as if."

I walk to my room informing both Megumi and Sasaki that the food was done. They both get up from the bed walking back to the dinner table with me. "Thank you for the food." Everyone says in sync.

"This is really good y/n. Thank you."

"Ah thanks and no need to thank me it was the least I could do."

We all talked and finished our food. "I'll help clean the dishes." Kunimi insisted. We grab all the bowls and chopsticks bringing it into the sink. "How you feeling y/n?" I look at him as I was washing the bowls," I guess I'm a little relieved... I don't know this is all really fucking hard for me and the kids." He stops what he was doing and faces me, "I'm here with you okay. Nothing bad will happen." As he said that someone viciously knocked on my door. I quickly turn my attention to everyone who was just as shocked as I was. "Everyone go to my room and lock the door!" I whisper. As I made sure everyone was in my room I opened the door slowly.


"I don't know what the hell you are talking about!"

"Don't play dumb y/n...You know I'll hurt you again."

I get up to her face, "You can try me if you want but I really don't want to put my hands on my own mother." I scoff. She moves back a little until she regained her thought, "I won't be asking you again! Where are they?"

"They are going to live with me for now on. If you and dad try to get in the way I'll call my lawyer! Or better yet I'll handle you both my damn self!" I yell. Surprised by my words she raised her hand getting ready to hit me when Oikawa grabs her wrist.

"IT'S YOU AGAIN! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" She yells pulling her hand back.

"Ah I'm sorry to ruin the mood but I need you to leave. I'm trying to spend quality time with your daughter but your loud and obnoxious yelling is really getting on my nerve. So if you may!" He assured her while pointing at the hallway exit. She was taken back by his words, "Fine! I don't need you dumb ass kids anyway. I rather not see any of you again!" She aggressively turns around and walks away. I quickly close the door and lock it, turning around in relief.

"Why did you get out the room?!" I yell. Everyone walks out of the room and makes their way up to me and Oikawa.

"Even though you were a total badass right there I thought you might need a man's help y'know so she can leave." I shake my head, rolling my eyes, "As if I needed your help..."

"I told him not to leave but he didn't listen." Iwaizumi informed.

"Yeah I think I got that." I say.

"I'm glad you still spoke up to her." Kunimi drawled.

I smile, "Yeah she really deserved it. But I'm tired as hell so let's go to sleep please." I sass. The boys didn't want me to sleep alone so they all slept on the floor while me and my siblings slept on the bed.

I'm glad they were there for me today...

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