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"Where is Anushka?" Came a horrified Kartik running like a madman. And found a distressed Dhara looking at him with rage and somewhat disappointment.

After he got to know that Anushka had been hospitalized, he was shocked. For the second time in his life, he got scared.

First was when he almost lost Dhara, when she was 5 years old and he was 13.

So he left the meeting as it was. Unattended. With the bodyguard letting the other party know and made his way towards the hotel room. He knew the consequences would be very hard, but at the moment nothing mattered more than his wife.

The first flight he got back to India was at 1 AM IST. It was still evening. So he took his time and packed his bags back and got on the airport almost 3 hours ago.

He didn't even had his dinner, nor evening snacks.

He was anxious. And the reason was, the love of his life.

Only if I had been there. To see her recieve the award. To embrace her in my arms. And to hold her when she falls.

I am a fool.

And the self realisation now hits him hard.

Sitting for three hours straight on airport knocked this sense in him, which even his own sister couldn't in all these months.

Not even his friends could make him realise Anushka's worth in his life, as these three hours of solace did.

And hence, here he is. The one and only Kartik Mahajan, standing outside the medical room in this large hospital, looking like a hobo. And his Lil sister infront of him giving him looks.

"Oh Bhai? You're finally here? I thought you were busy and wouldn't come for like, 5 years?" Dhara said to Kartik sarcastically.

Whose guilt increased with her this statement.

Had he really been this far from his two lovely ladies?

He thought.

This moment of panic may be hard, but is also the moment which made him realise his mistake. And that materialistic goals ain't everything.

Without giving Dhara any answer, not looking at her in eyes, he sat down on the banch besides her.

She looked away. He was looking down.

While gazing at the medical room door, he recalled all the memories. The memories of their arranged love story.

Anushka Dixit.
She was a timid yet hot headed girl of 22 years, when they first met. A brunette with large doe eyes and an innocence in her soul, she sure had charms different then other girls he ever came across.

She was like a serene music to his ears.

Her father and his father were best friends. And their mother's were like sisters. In short, even before they were born, their families had been in alliance.

And as they grew up, their families knew they were made for each other.

When Anushka was a born, the Dixits had to move to other state for work. So technically the first time Kartik saw her was when he was 2 years old.

Not that he remembers.

But when they met as fiance and fiancee, the spark between them was very different.

It felt almost...surreal to him.

And then,
Here he was sitting remembering all the Beautiful moments with his only love.

With a small smile and tears in his eyes.

He was scared.

Scared because it had been twelve hours since she's inside.

And they didn't know why. Or that would she ever come out or not.


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